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About metanohi


About metanohi

This is metanohi, the personal website of Niels G. W. Serup.


In general, text, images, code and any other type of work on metanohi are available under the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License (WTFPL); read about this choice here There may be cases with other licenses. The status of a page can be seen in the bottom in a metadata box. If no license is specified in the box, it's either because I forgot to apply one to the page, or it's because the page has almost no content (like the "Page not found" page) and does not really require a license, or it's because I don't care.

If you use something from metanohi, please attribute Niels G. W. Serup and metanohi (unless it's not by Niels, which is rare).

Source code

metanohi is run by mege. If you want to use it for a new website (I REALLY REALLY wouldn't), you may wish to use metanohi as a template.

Get the main site:

$ git clone git://

Get the subsites (messy):

$ git clone git://


You can access metanohi from HTTPS. metanohi uses a CAcert (or is it a self-signed certificate now? I forget). To make your browser automatically accept CAcerts, follow the instructions on CAcerts wiki; it doesn't take long.


#&img;url=/img/aliens/makrh.png, float=right,noclear, width=100

This alien wonders why 'metanohi' was picked.

metanohi was created in 2009 as a spinoff of earlier projects with equally undefined purposes. Back then the website was at metanohi./org/ instead of metanohi./name/.

Note: While most of the content from the old metanohi has been ported to this improved version, the modification times have not been saved. This is why old projects from 2009 and 2010 appear to have been created in July or August, 2011.

Choice of name

There are several reasons for the choice of "metanohi":

  • It's unique
  • It's simple
  • It has the meta prefix, which automatically transforms anything into something cool
  • "metanohi", or at least part of "metanohi", has meanings in some languages

Screenshots of the old metanohi

Click to go to fullsize image.

#&img;url=img/scr1.png,width=300,float=left,noclear,medlink,caption=Start page #&img;url=img/scr2.png,width=300,float=left,noclear,medlink,caption=Projects page #&img;url=img/scr3.png,width=300,float=left,noclear,medlink,caption=CSS fun #&clear


metanohi is generally only available in English. A few pages are in Danish.


metanohi is mostly XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2 valid. Currently, pages are served as text/html and not as application/xml+xhtml (as they should). This might get fixed (it is extremely easy to fix, but if fixed, some things depending on external JavaScript which depends on non-XHTML, like the FSF widget on the propaganda page, might cease to work).


Should I go to HTML 5? I don't really care.