
144 lines
4.1 KiB

# About Niels
I, Niels G. W. Serup, am the creator of metanohi. I was born in 1992
and live in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I have a Master's degree in computer science from
[DIKU]( where I have also participated in the yearly
student revue [DIKUrevy](, the [Canteen
association](, among other things.
While online, I usually go by the nickname `ngws` or variations thereof.
## Contact
I can be contacted at [](
I also hang out as `ngws` in `#diku` on ``.
## Things I use
### Emacs
Emacs is a nice text editor.
[Get it](
### Firefox
Firefox is okay.
### StumpWM
StumpWM is a tiling, Emacs-like window mananger. It has fewer features
than e.g. XMonad (another tiling wm), but it's simple and
understandable. I don't even have to add a keybinding for running Emacs
-- it's already there! [Get it](
### Debian
I run Debian testing with only a small amount of proprietary software.
[Get Debian](
### Dvorak
I use the a modified variant of the Danish Dvorak keyboard layout. This is my
keycode 108 = Mode_switch
keycode 34 = apostrophe acute quotedbl
keycode 21 = grave dead_caron dead_acute
keycode 35 = Tab equal backslash bar
keycode 36 = Return
keycode 49 = section brokenbar paragraph dead_circumflex
keycode 10 = 1 exclam onesuperior exclamdown
keycode 11 = 2 EuroSign twosuperior ssharp
keycode 12 = 3 numbersign threesuperior sterling
keycode 13 = 4 dollar onequarter currency
keycode 14 = 5 percent onehalf U2030
keycode 15 = 6 ampersand threequarters idotless
keycode 16 = 7 slash division braceleft
keycode 17 = 8 parenleft bracketleft eth
keycode 18 = 9 parenright bracketright ETH
keycode 19 = 0 equal braceright NoSymbol braceright
keysym a = a A at dead_diaeresis
keysym o = o O exclam dead_grave
keysym u = u U parenleft parenleft parenleft
keysym e = e E slash backslash slash backslash
keysym h = h H parenright parenright parenright
keysym t = t T asciitilde dead_tilde
keysym n = n N asterisk
keysym s = s S plus plusminus
keysym aring = aring Aring percent division
keysym comma = comma semicolon dollar
keysym period = period colon asciicircum dead_circumflex
keysym p = p P braceleft
keysym r = r R equal
keysym l = l L ampersand
keysym g = g G braceright
keysym c = c C numbersign
keysym q = q Q question
keysym k = k K bracketleft
keysym b = b B bracketright
keysym m = m M bar brokenbar
keysym j = j J Insert
I run these commands to properly enable it:
setxkbmap dk dvorak
setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps
xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap
It works quite well.
## Virtual existences
Most of these I don't use actively.
+ [GitHub](
+ [Twitter](
+ [KeyBase](
+ [GitLab](
+ [Launchpad](
+ [The Esolang Wiki](
+ [Wikipedia](
+ [Uncyclopedia](
+ [GNU Savannah](
+ [Bitbucket](
+ [Libreplanet](
+ [Hacker News](
+ [Reddit](
+ [LinkedIn](
## Keys
### SSH
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwEmn04iNjoD8wCFTQdadsAmlRRsQHJKgggPo9ZVKlCuZIkKiPuspkio2JUnAx4ppyOTS63MdbGF88V5cI+//vj983oHN29we8CHvhb31Y/LfMmjFtEdnv3q2lPu/102zbCr/fZ/Pz3nxEOMRZa46qWdut8Jvu48wJ4IBKPTMteDPblPl9m8WeN2ueUbxrcR3Pb/NBndTbGEBd+I4IezVwmWuDTsEWpgEw8p/A5wCw03yX6v9wiK2Zl1/LPLAJaJfLd2+9qDBOKnpu/pkYsCQUJdDqPcYB13ys3Fo4kS84MYZE2HMwpXCb0aC7ywUW3ktlb6jTXFCvh2dK8FggfQRiw== niels@westshiba
### PGP
pub 2048R/85445363 2014-06-11
uid Niels G. W. Serup <>
sub 2048R/7CFE0D20 2014-06-11
## Hongabar
[]( is the main domain of the
server that I share with a friend.