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  // Add the FSF widget after the page has loaded.
  window.addEventListener('load', function(event){add_fsf_widget(8085);}, false);

This is metanohi

metanohi is a website founded in 2009 with a well-defined purpose: to exist. It is the personal website of Niels G. W. Serup, a hacker in a world of non-hackers.

Historically, this start page has featured text which had little purpose except to exist. That is over now. metanohi has no real need for a start page — and that means no more superfluous text1.

Feel free to check out my Projects page.

Passive activism


  <div style='margin-left: -14px;'>
    <a href="">
      <img src=""
           alt="Day Against DRM vertical banner" />
  <div style='background-color: silver; padding: 5px; border: 5px outset red;'>
    <div style='margin: 0 auto; width: 525px; text-align: center;'>
      <div style='height: 200px;'>
        <a href='' style='display: block; float: left'>
          <img src=''
               alt='Windows 7 Sins' style='width: 200px; height: 200px' />
        <a href=''
           style='display: block; float: left; margin-top: 75px'>
          <img alt='Support Wikipedia' title='Support Wikipedia'
               style='width: 125px; height: 125px' />
        <a href='' style='display: block; float: left'>
          <img src=''
               alt='Use ODF!' style='width: 200px; height: 200px' />
      <a style='display: block; font-size: 40px; background-color: red' href=''>STOP ACTA</a>
      <a href=''
         style='display: block; padding: 6px 0; background-color: yellow;'>
        <img src=''
             alt="Don't use Facebook!" title="Don't use Facebook!"
             style='width: 200px; height: 105px' />
      <a style='display: block; font-size: 30px; background-color: red' href=''>STOP SOFTWARE PATENTS</a>
      <div style='padding: 6px 0; background-color: green;'>
        <div style='margin: 0 auto; width: 260px;' id='fsfextern'></div>


Not much, anyway.2