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About metanohi


About metanohi

This is metanohi.

Currently, metanohi resides on Originally, it was on which now redirects requests to .name. To contact Niels (the creator), you should still use instead of

metanohi is XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2 valid (probably).


In general, text, images, and other media on metanohi is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license, a copyleft license. There may be cases with other licenses. The status of a page can be seen in the bottom in a metadata box. If no license is specified in the box, it's either because someone forgot to apply one to the page, or it's because the page has almost no content (like the "Page not found" page) and does not really require a license.

#&img;url=/img/licenses/freecontent.png, float=right

Free content

Most of metanohi's content can be defined as free content, as defined by

In all cases, you are free to redistribute content from metanohi, but please don't set up a mirror for no reason (who would do that, anyway?).

External content is sometimes a different matter. A list of licenses for media is used for attributing in cases where it is impractical to attribute in-page.

If you take something from metanohi that is not under a public-domain-like license, you are required to attribute Niels Serup and metanohi. When doing that, write something like "Niels Serup,".


If you wish to use mege for a website, you may wish to use metanohi as a template.

Get the main site:

$ git clone git://

Get the subsites:

$ git clone git://


#&img;url=/img/aliens/makrh.png, float=right, width=100

This alien wonders why 'metanohi' was picked.

metanohi was created in 2009 as a spinoff of earlier projects with equally undefined purposes.

"Why the name?"

There are several reasons:

  • It's unique
  • It's simple
  • It has the meta prefix, which automatically transforms anything into something cool
  • 'metanohi', or at least part of 'metanohi', has meanings in some languages

Screenshots of the old metanohi

Click to go to fullsize image.

#&img;url=img/scr1.png,width=300,float=left,noclear,medlink,caption=Start page #&img;url=img/scr2.png,width=300,float=left,noclear,medlink,caption=Projects page #&img;url=img/scr3.png,width=300,float=left,noclear,medlink,caption=CSS fun


metanohi is only available in English.