888 B
888 B
My BASH prompt
#&summary What my prompt does and what it looks like. #&
My BASH prompt
I have my own bash prompt. To use it, first, copy this into your .bashrc
PS1='\[\033[00m\]$(if [ $EXCO == 0 ]; then echo -ne "\[\033[42m\]\[\033[01;30m\]"; else echo -ne "\[\033[41m\]\[\033[01;34m\]"; fi)$(length-extra-prepend $EXCO 3)\[\033[45m\] \[\033[44m\]\[\033[01;37m\]$(date +%H:%M)\[\033[45m\] \[\033[46m\]\[\033[01;33m\]$(length-too-much-shorten "$(pwd | sed s%$HOME%~%)" $(if (( $pwdw < 20 )); then echo -n 20; else echo -n $pwdw; fi))\[\033[00m\]\n\[\033[45m\]\[\033[01;33m\]\u\[\033[01;32m\]@\[\033[01;36m\]\h\[\033[43m\]\[\033[01;30m\]:\[\033[40m\]\[\033[01;33m\]\$\[\033[00m\] '
Second, download /ngws/metanohi/src/commit/094dbbec6b7f08bbc26996de254557869a50b653/site/writings/bash-prompt-extras.tar.gz and put the included programs somewhere in =$PATH=&sh.