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#+title: an5w
A PHP script for simple surveys
#+license: bysa, page
#+license: wtf, program
* an5w
an5w (pronounced "answ" as in "answer") is a simple PHP program for creating
online surveys. It consists of just two PHP files, one that serves the user and
one that shows the answers.
** Download
** Documentation
You will not find any documentation in the an5w tarball --- not even a single
readme. When you've extracted the an5w directory from the tarball, put it in a
place your webserver recognizes. That should work.
The code has no comments, basically because it's scaringly simple and extremely
short. an5w is released under the WTFPL&acro='Do What The Fuck You Want To
Public License', as published by Sam Hocevar [[][here]].
A raw an5w directory has the following files and directories (*answers*
and *art* are directories):
*answers* button footer
*index.php* style.css wrapper art done header *questions* title
However, only the ones in bold are actually necessary. You can remove
the rest without an5w failing. In the 'answers' directory, it's the same:
*index.php* style.css
Again, only the bold ones are needed. In this case, you only need 'index.php'.
*** Description of files
The program that shows answers
CSS styles
The text of the submit button. Default is "Submit".
Text to display on the bottom of the page. Default is nothing.
The main program
CSS styles
The HTML element(s) that wrap everything else. Default is
"<div id='wrapper'>TEXT</div>\n" (where TEXT is the actual content).
Promotional question marks
Promotional question marks in mini version
Text to display when the survey has been completed.
Text to display on the top of the survey page.
The actual questions. See the *markup* section below.
The title of the survey. Will only be displayed on the titlebar of the page.
*** Markup
The syntax used in the 'questions' file is really quite simple. It looks like
Type of input (in form of text, multiple choices, etc.)
Another question
Type of input
An example:
To what extent do you get annoyed when people attack you with pencils?
Why are cows unable to fly (in your own opinion)?
Currently (as of version 0.001), only the '[]' input type is supported. '[]' =
A question can only take up one line. If you need a newline, use a <br /> tag
To see answers, just visit answers/index.php in your web browser.
*** Details
an5w does not store data a database. It uses text files.