level 4 walls, good laser still under development (algorithm discovered,

implementation next up)
This commit is contained in:
Niels Serup 2012-08-13 00:05:44 +02:00
parent 4a8a5b5d70
commit 9d7bb2e946
3 changed files with 58 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ from logic.direction import *
class Level4(level.Level):
def __init__(self, game, graphics_dir, paused=False):
level.Level.__init__(self, game, graphics_dir,
size=(64 * 16, 48 * 16), paused=paused)
size=(64 * 16, 48 * 20), paused=paused)
self.dimensions = 16, 16
for i in range(self.dimensions[0]):
for j in range(self.dimensions[1]):
tile.Tile(self, i*64, (j+1)*48,
tile.Tile(self, i*64, (j+4)*48,
self.imgs['indoor%d' % random.randint(1, 6)]))
@ -61,11 +61,12 @@ class Level4(level.Level):
self.playfield = lm.generate_simple_playfield(16)
for (x, y), t in self.playfield.items():
x1, y1 = 64 * x, 48 * (y + 1)
x1, y1 = 64 * x, 48 * (y + 4)
if isinstance(t, lm.Source):
self.objects.append(block.Block(self, x1, y1,
self, x1, y1,
self.imgs['lasersource_' + t.direction.to_str().lower()],
def mir(b, x1, y1):
def f(x, y):
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ class Level4(level.Level):
anim='lever_leftright' if x in (0, 15)
else 'lever_updown'),
lm.Target: block.Block(self, x1, y1, self.imgs['block3'],
lm.Target: block.Block(self, x1, y1, self.imgs['lasertarget'],
lm.Blocker: block.Block(self, x1, y1, self.imgs['block1'],
@ -100,9 +101,23 @@ class Level4(level.Level):
l.links.insert(0, (lambda m: lambda setting: m.rotate())(m))
for i in range(self.size[0] / 64):
if not i % 3:
self.objects.append(block.Block(self, i * 64,
48 * 3,
self.objects.append(block.InvisBlock(self, i * 64,
for i in range(self.size[1] / 48):
self.objects.append(block.InvisBlock(self, - 64,
i * 48))
self.objects.append(block.InvisBlock(self, self.size[0],
i * 48))
self.player.set_pos(64 * 7, 48 * 2)
self.player.set_pos(64 * 7, 48 * 5)
def restart(self):
@ -121,15 +136,17 @@ class Level4(level.Level):
objs = self._sorted_objs(self.objects + self.lasers)
self._after_sort(itertools.groupby(objs, lambda obj: obj.y + obj.z))
objs = self._after_sort(itertools.groupby(objs, lambda obj: obj.y + obj.z))
for obj in objs:
def _after_sort(self, objss):
for objs in objss:
n_objs = []
for c, objs in objss:
return n_objs
def _after_sort_line(self, objs):
is_special = lambda obj: isinstance(obj, mirror.Mirror) or isinstance(obj, laser.Laser)
@ -137,39 +154,9 @@ class Level4(level.Level):
return nonspecials + self._sort_line_specials(specials)
def _sort_line_specials(self, objs):
return objs
# def _compare(a, b):
# types = map(type, (a, b))
# if a.y + a.z == b.y + b.z:
# if isinstance(a, mirror.Mirror) and isinstance(b, laser.Laser):
# return 1
# if isinstance(b, mirror.Mirror) and isinstance(a, laser.Laser):
# return -1
# # if mirror.Mirror in types and laser.Laser in types:
# # if not isinstance(a, laser.Laser):
# # a, b, swapped = b, a, True
# # else:
# # swapped = False
# # laser_direc = a.laser_direction
# # if a.p0[1] < a.p1[1]:
# # laser_direc = Down # instead of Down
# # if a.p0[1] > a.p1[1]:
# # laser_direc = Up # instead of Up
# # mirror_direc = Left if b.left_up else Right
# # result = 1 if _is_laser_behind_mirror(mirror_direc, laser_direc) \
# # else -1
# # result = -1
# # return result if not swapped else -1 * result
# if a is laser.Laser and b is not laser.Laser:
# return 1
# if b is laser.Laser and a is not laser.Laser:
# return -1
# return 0
# return -1 if a.y + a.z < b.y + b.z \
# else 1 if a.y + a.z > b.y + b.z else 0
mirrors = filter(lambda obj: isinstance(obj, mirror.Mirror), objs)
lasers = filter(lambda obj: isinstance(obj, laser.Laser), objs)
return mirrors + lasers
def _is_laser_behind_mirror(mirror_direc, laser_direc):
return {

View File

@ -51,10 +51,13 @@ class Loader(object):
self.imgs['indoor%d' % o] = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(
self.directory, 'tiles', 'indoor', 'ground%02d.png' % o))
l = ['block1', 'block1_lifted', 'block3']
l = ['block1', 'block1_lifted', 'block3', '../lasertarget',
'../lasersource_up', '../lasersource_down', '../lasersource_right']
for o in l:
self.imgs[o] = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(
self.imgs[os.path.basename(o)] = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(
self.directory, 'blocks', '%s.png' % o))
self.imgs['lasersource_left'] = pygame.transform.flip(
self.imgs['lasersource_right'], 1, 0)
l = ['hole', 'well', 'wall', 'wall_outside', 'intro-screen']
for o in l:
@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ class Loader(object):
img = pygame.image.load(f)
# Special treatment:
if anim == 'arrow_left':
if anim in ('arrow_left',):
img = pygame.transform.flip(img, 1, 0)

View File

@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ class Direction(object):
def next_pos(pos):
raise NotImplementedError
def to_str():
raise NotImplementedError
def from_sakse(p):
return {(0, -1): Up,
@ -42,24 +46,40 @@ class Up(Direction):
x, y = pos
return x, y - 1
def to_str():
return 'up'
class Right(Direction):
def next_pos(pos):
x, y = pos
return x + 1, y
def to_str():
return 'right'
class Down(Direction):
def next_pos(pos):
x, y = pos
return x, y + 1
def to_str():
return 'down'
class Left(Direction):
def next_pos(pos):
x, y = pos
return x - 1, y
def to_str():
return 'left'
all_directions = (Up, Right, Down, Left)
_sp = lambda n: lambda d: all_directions[(all_directions.index(d) + n) % 4]
succ, pred = _sp(1), _sp(-1)