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This manual is for Enigma, version 0.1.
Copyright (C) 2010 Niels Serup
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<h2 class="chapter">3 Future aspects</h2>
<p>As Enigma is right now, it is quite limited. The only way that it can
interact with the rest of one's system is by reading and writing files
and by executing shell commands using the <code>system</code> built-in
function. This obviously needs to be improved. A foreign function
interface system must be implemented in version 0.2. It should be
possible for Enigma to do everything C can.
<p>The number of built-in functions seems reasonable, but it may be a good
idea to implement a few more. These eventual functions should be focused
on making things easier. Specifically, an import function should be
considered. It is possible to create an import function in Enigma
directly, but it's not exactly fast. Introducing a &ldquo;compile&rdquo; function
should solve that.