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mege documentation

#&summary Documentation for the metanohi generator #&

#&+classes=warning Ooops. It appears this document is not quite finished yet. #&

Quick overview

  • headers
  • paragraphs
  • inline modifiers

    • strong, bold
    • em, italic
    • underline
    • combinations
    • xhtml1.1-based

      • acronym
      • abbreviation
      • cite
      • code
      • samp
      • kbd
      • var
      • dfn
      • sub
      • sup
      • del
      • ins
      • q
  • images
  • tables

    • head
    • body
    • foot
    • rows
    • cells
  • lists

    • not numbered
    • numbered
    • definition lists
  • links

    • with name
    • without name
  • footnotes
  • source code highlighting
  • LaTeX to PNG
  • xhtml1.1-based block elements

    • video/audio
    • address
    • blockquote
    • pre
    • hr
  • forms

Detailed overview





Escaped characters

Syntax: \c where c&var is a character.


In the case of #&something;args, default args (defargs) = =[, width=width][,height=height][,float=left|right][,align=left|right|center][,classes=class1 class2…][,caption=caption]=.

Inline modifiers


Signal importance. Syntax: *INLINE*

HTML equivalent:



Emphasize something. Syntax: /INLINE/

HTML equivalent:



Underline something. Syntax: _INLINE_

HTML equivalent:

<span class='underline'>INLINE</span>

Generic modifiers and groups

Text with spaces can be put in { and } brackets to function as a group. The ampersand (&) character is commonly used after something, as in &var or &color=red, which can also be combined to things like &var,color=red. A two-part modifier like the ~ in *bold* must be preceded by nothing or a space character, and it must be followed by another space character, a period, a comma, an exclamation mark, a question mark, a semicolon, a colon, or something similar. If this is not enough, further abstractions are possible with the #&code + newline + text + newline + #& construct.

The text is strongly emphasized and in one paragraph.

The #&-strong text is strongly emphasized #& but it's still just in one paragraph even though the *...* modifier wasn't used. Inline modifiers cannot be nested, but block modifiers can.

This construct must be used in cases where the data is not inline.

Acronym, abbreviation, variable, definition

Describe an acronym, an abbreviation, a variable, or a definition. Syntax: text&(abbr|acro)(=meaning)? or text&(var|dfn).

Example 1: mege&abbr\'metanohi generator'= equals mege&abbr='metanohi generator'.

Example 2: {A. B.}&acro=AlBook equals {A. B.}&acro=AlBook.

HTML equivalents: <acronym title\'meaning'>acronym[INLINE]</acronym>=&html, <abbr title\'meaning'>abbreviation[INLINE]</abbr>=&html, =<var>variable[INLINE]</var>=&html, and =<dfn>definition[INLINE]</dfn>=&html.

Quouting and citing

Quote without citing: a^2+b^2=c^2&quote.

Cite without quoting:

Quote and cite: {metanohi exists}&cite=

HTML equivalent:

<q cite='cited'>quote[INLINE]</q>


Syntax: =code= or {=code\}&lang=. Example: =print('hi')=, =print('hi')\=&py3. If you do not specify a language, the code will not be highlighted.

Sample output from a program, with the syntax ~sample~ uses the same logic.


Describe keyboard shortcuts (mainly). Syntax: -shortcut-.

Examples: -C-f-, -C-u C-u M-x C-q s-y s-f M-C-n M-C-S-k- (I don't have this keybinding), -Ctrl+Alt+U-, etc.



Subscript and superscript

To achieve something like CH3CO23- or xnew = 250 without resorting to math mode, use the ^ character for superscripts and the _ character for subscripts. Bracket groups must be used. Note that this is different from LaTeX.

del, ins

text&del, text&ins = text&del, text&ins.

Other modifiers

Sizes: tiny, small, medium (normal), large, huge. Syntax: text&size, eg. text&large.

Color: text&color=color.

More than one modifier: &dfn&color=green.


..are allowed. However, a certain logic applies. It will not be explained here. It is not yet well-defined.


Syntax: #&video|audio;url'…'[, autoplay][defargs]=


Syntax for images in blocks: #&img;url'…',alt='…'[defargs]=.

Blockquote, address, preformatted text

Indent a blockquote or specify an address or show text without post-formatting. Syntax:

This is 
  pre-formatted *text*, though not entirely

Note: The effect achieved by #&pre can also be achieved in another way.

Block container (div)


Line (hr)

Syntax: #&line


Syntax: [[url]] or [[url][name]].


Syntax: This is a footnote[fn:serup2011]., and:

[fn:serup2011] It's true!


Same as Org-Mode.


Same as Org-Mode.

Python execution and evaluation

Inline, it's <&eval ... &>, <&exec ... &>, <&deval ... &>, and <&dexec ... &>. For blocks, see below.

Source code

Begin with #+BEGIN_SRC[ language] and end with #+END_SRC. If nothing or #++high comes before #+BEGIN_SRC, highlight the source code. If #++show comes before, just show it (useful for HTML, JavaScript and CSS code). to show inline HTML code, use the <@html CODE@> construct. If #++pre, show it, but only use inline formatting. If #++exec, evaluate it as Python code. If #++dexec, do the same thing, but do it whenever the site is reloaded ("dynamic exec"). #++eval and #++deval can also be used.


Inline math: $LaTeX$, example: $\frac{32}{x} = 8 \Rightarrow x \neq \infty$.

Block math: #&math\nLaTeX\n#&.


Only accesible via the dynamic execution constructs (at some point — not implemented yet).

Special features

  • The #+... construct works for single lines only
  • The #&... construct along with #& to end it can last over several lines
  • The #++... construct can add instructions to a #+... construct if the #++ is placed just above the #+.

Special variables

Formatting is not accepted in the following variables.

  • Title if #+title:TITLE is specified
  • Summary if #+summary:SUMMARY or #&summary\n...\n#& is specified
  • Table of contents if #&toc is specified
  • Levels in a table of contents defaults to 3, different if #+toclvl:lvl is specified
  • Full page if #&fullpage is specified
  • License added if #+license:LICENSEID[, covering what] is specified (several licenses can be specified)