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This manual is for Enigma, version 0.1.
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<h3 class="section">2.7 Functions</h3>
<p><a name="index-functions-14"></a>Functions are defined and called using the following syntax:
<pre class="verbatim"># Defining them
{stdout "Hello" ! write;} = func;
{/x,y/stdout "x=" x ", y=" y!write;} = coorprint;
{stdout args ! write;} = aprint;
# Calling them
!func; # Outputs "Hello"
52 12 ! coorprint; # Outputs "x=52, y=12"
999 "abc" 21 ! aprint; # Outputs "999 abc 21"
<p>Arguments can thus be accessed either by using the <code>/.../</code> syntax
in the beginning of the function or by using the local <code>args</code>
variable. Furthermore, to make <em>all</em> new variables save in the
global space, prepend the function content with a <code>*</code>. This will
have the same effect as replacing all <code>=</code> signs in the function
with the <code>*</code> operator.
<p>Remember that your file is also a function, just without the curly
brackets. This means that when working on the top level of your program,
<code>args</code> actually refer to the arguments specified on the command
line. All arguments are strings, but built-in functions that can convert
them to numbers exist.
<p>The previous example functions did not have any return values. This is
merely because they didn't need such things. To define a return value,
the return value must be sent to the special variable <code>return</code>.
<pre class="verbatim">{/a,b/a b ! multiply = return;} = 2mul;
33 3 ! 2mul = 2mult;
stdout 2mult ! write;
The execution of a function does <em>not</em> stop when a value
is assigned to <code>return</code>. This has both advantages and
<p>Many things are almost impossible to do without the built-in
functions. Some are completely impossible. See <a href="Built_002dIn.html#Built_002dIn">Built-In</a>. As all
objects in Enigma are pointers, several built-in functions actually
modify the objects sent to them as arguments. To solve this problem, one
must use the <code>clone</code> function.