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This manual is for Enigma, version 0.1.
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<h3 class="section">2.9 Loops</h3>
<p>There are several ways to loop pieces of code in Enigma. One can create
a function that calls itself, for example. It is, however, advised to
use the <code>loop</code> function.
<pre class="verbatim"># Infinite loop
{stdout "Forever\n" ! write; true = return;} ! loop;
<code>loop</code> works a bit like <code>act</code>, except that it runs on the
premise of the return value of the function it calls. If it returns
true, or any other value that can be considered true (non-zero numbers,
non-empty strings, files, etc.), it runs the function again. If it
returns false, the loop stops. It naturally runs the first time no
matter what (no return value has been created yet).