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This manual is for Enigma, version 0.1.
Copyright (C) 2010 Niels Serup
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<h2 class="chapter">1 A short introduction</h2>
<p>Today, in the world of programming, the commonly used programming
languages have &mdash; to some extent &mdash; adapted the same basic
syntax. Both C, C++, Java, Python and Ruby (and others) all share
several paradigms, even though they are still very different. Enigma, on
the other hand, is very different from the &ldquo;common&rdquo; languages. See
this small program to get an idea of Enigma:
<pre class="verbatim">{/a,b/
a 2 ! multiply = c;
b c ! add = return;
} = odd-add;
9 4 ! odd-add | stdout temp ! write;
<p class="noindent">Here, 9 is first multiplied with 2 and then added to 4. The
program then prints the result (22).
<p>With only a few constructs and built-in variables, Enigma is quite small
and relatively simple. Any logic can be expressed in Enigma. The above
example may seem odd, but its aspects will be dealt with in the next
<p>Enigma is <em>not</em> the kind of programming language that likes to
control programmers. When programming in Enigma, one creates functions
that call other functions &mdash; instead of creating functions that are
called by built-in functions.
<p>On the other hand, Enigma is very restrictive. There are limits to
certain things. If these limits were not present, chaos would
ensue. Perhaps.
<p><a name="index-pointers-1"></a>Like many other languages, Enigma is quite fond of pointers. In Enigma,
all variables are pointers. When <code>x</code> is assigned to <code>a</code>, and
<code>b</code> is assigned to <code>a</code>, changing <code>b</code> also changes
<code>a</code>. As a matter of fact, when two pointers points to the same
place, they are <strong>forever</strong> linked together.
<p>Enigma is not recommended for serious use. Use with <strong>caution</strong>!