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About Niels


About Niels

Niels G. W. Serup is the creator of metanohi, metanohi's engine. He was born in 1992 and lives in Denmark.

He studies datalogy (computer science) at DIKU.

He goes by the nicknames "ngws" and "nqpz" (and a few others).


Niels can be contacted at

Things used by Niels


Emacs is a nice text editor. Get it.

Links: my .emacs and my .emacs.d.


Conkeror is a nice webbrowser, somewhat similar in design to Emacs. Get it.

Links: My .conkerorrc.


StumpWM is a nice tiling, Emacs-like window mananger. It has much fewer features than e.g. XMonad (another tiling wm), but it's simple and efficient. Get it.

Links: <@eval macros.titlelink('writings/stumpwm')@>, [[][my .stumpwmrc]].


I run Debian with only a small amount of proprietary software. Get Debian. I used to run Trisquel, but I realized that I would rather use something with more support, so I switched to using Debian after I bought a new computer.


I use Unison to synchronize files.

More and more people are beginning to rely on fancy stuff such as the internet to synchronize their data. I don't. I can not be sure there is always fast internet, and I cannot be sure that my data is secure, except if I spend time encrypting it heavily.


I use the a modified variant of the Danish Dvorak keyboard layout. This is my "~/.Xmodmap":

keycode 108 = Mode_switch

keycode  34 = apostrophe acute quotedbl

keycode  21 = grave dead_caron dead_acute
keycode  35 = Tab equal backslash bar
keycode  36 = Return dead_diaeresis dead_grave
keycode  49 = section brokenbar paragraph dead_circumflex
keycode  10 = 1 exclam onesuperior exclamdown
keycode  11 = 2 EuroSign twosuperior ssharp
keycode  12 = 3 numbersign threesuperior sterling
keycode  13 = 4 dollar onequarter currency
keycode  14 = 5 percent onehalf U2030
keycode  15 = 6 ampersand threequarters idotless
keycode  16 = 7 slash division braceleft 
keycode  17 = 8 parenleft bracketleft eth
keycode  18 = 9 parenright bracketright ETH
keycode  19 = 0 equal braceright NoSymbol braceright

keysym a = a A at at at at
keysym o = o O exclam
keysym u = u U parenleft
keysym e = e E slash backslash slash backslash
keysym h = h H parenright
keysym t = t T asciitilde dead_tilde
keysym n = n N asterisk
keysym s = s S plus plusminus

keysym aring = aring Aring percent division
keysym comma = comma semicolon dollar
keysym period = period colon asciicircum dead_circumflex
keysym p = p P braceleft
keysym r = r R equal
keysym l = l L ampersand
keysym g = g G braceright
keysym c = c C numbersign

keysym q = q Q question
keysym k = k K bracketleft
keysym b = b B bracketright
keysym m = m M bar brokenbar
keysym j = j J Insert

My keyboard layout can be achieved by running

setxkbmap dk dvorak
xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap

This works quite well. In patterns such as

key(code|sym) x = a b c d

a is entered if one presses -x-, b is entered if one presses -Shift+x-, c is entered if one presses -AltGr+x-, and d is entered if one presses -Shift+AltGr+x-. man xmodmap gives more information.

Things which Niels uses but doesn't like


I used to not be on Facebook, but now I am. It annoys me, but I felt I had to. I still believe that the solution to Facebook and other centralized services is to use decentralized services. So in the case of "social networking", I ought to use Diaspora, friendica, or something else instead of Facebook. In any case, I don't seem to use social networking sites very much for some reason. Just look at the number of posts I have on the StatusNet site. I try to use Facebook as little as possible.


When I want to make a git repository available online, I like to do it on the server which also hosts metanohi, or a free software online host, such as one running Gitorious. I don't quite like the very popular GitHub service, because it is not free software. The negative effects of GitHub's proprietarity is that its users cannot learn from studying GitHub's code, and that they cannot run their own GitHubs. Users mostly use GitHub for public data, and since git repositories are distributed, it is easy to move a git repository from GitHub to another git repo hosting service — just change the push address of your local repository. All of this means that GitHub cannot cause serious problems when it comes to control over the data you give to it (and I don't think it's as hungry for data in general compared to Facebook).

As such, GitHub is far from being as great a problem as e.g. Facebook. But I still don't like GitHub's attitude. I use GitHub because someone created a repository to which I contribute code on GitHub, not because of its "social coding". GitHub's focus on making branching, merging, etc. easy is probably the right one, but I don't see why that can't be done in a decentralized way. After all, git is decentralized.


I don't use it for my own files, but sometimes I use it for shared files because others depend on my using it. I like to run it chrooted when I have to run it.

Virtual existences

In order of randomness:

I might have forgot some.



#&pre ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0JbXv5uILGhIWrY9695Djfx9ooQ/vBlhUxMe2yCqI645sWim8QvYNllc94jkKkOkNUGCurHlselXI+wribIKbbv2ZHr7exioZrlxwjVw9V9XeL+Rvewrbb1kBQFsuzsJVZzjfx3mggn+DOW0PN+qFfrjlh0jXGC0sYYQmYSBMCjemDhWv4WkbuH7fpqjY+wpoJpmtj1Ch+5rbxoTDdhNfk+WOtLQ9mAYYrAdBvajSzDuveoTQtTeJ66alT6ii+yyODuzsm46mlbLSfNKxy7a+1Do3ZYePiB6bhLf7+huC7OGjRZ3i+1zMHP5y3ypzQGKzcCU+5f+TpMfA+8A3Ep2qw== niels@gustace ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwEmn04iNjoD8wCFTQdadsAmlRRsQHJKgggPo9ZVKlCuZIkKiPuspkio2JUnAx4ppyOTS63MdbGF88V5cI+//vj983oHN29we8CHvhb31Y/LfMmjFtEdnv3q2lPu/102zbCr/fZ/Pz3nxEOMRZa46qWdut8Jvu48wJ4IBKPTMteDPblPl9m8WeN2ueUbxrcR3Pb/NBndTbGEBd+I4IezVwmWuDTsEWpgEw8p/A5wCw03yX6v9wiK2Zl1/LPLAJaJfLd2+9qDBOKnpu/pkYsCQUJdDqPcYB13ys3Fo4kS84MYZE2HMwpXCb0aC7ywUW3ktlb6jTXFCvh2dK8FggfQRiw== niels@westshiba #&


#&pre pub 2048R/B492E125 2012-08-29 Key fingerprint = 805A F9F1 554E 06E6 B90C A211 33CF 9BCE B492 E125 uid Niels Gustav Westphal Serup (ngws) <> sub 2048R/C9BB5929 2012-08-29 #&

#&pre —BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK— Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

mQENBFA+nqoBCADRpK8R83iTCEu7ceP0u0AKl67yQDtjJDC+/3sPod1VvzAccJA3 psOGz755/crN5vk/Z4I/L3dXd/bDU+UZo2wAlmcKTciZ0dxtWx/vj8sW2EzSTtJT tNGKzIAYFo3wt55f9KznGqGxKw5LgkURPCyvWMwi4FewrczpAUtVY57Zum+k2fph h3D9Pzi8eTKNrbW3dmkR7JINpZt9d7YiySYE6O+4brjJZ6rUIEFnSS92oVQc4c8d 7HN64ZrS7HKkmxGYzvdHgZVunsBS4e8DorWi4ETHNiMOaI9H4f5sIztNiOB8AfvM f/eauXWW2NwmnB/LJOPj0gC1XVs+0DREHSfzABEBAAG0N05pZWxzIEd1c3RhdiBX ZXN0cGhhbCBTZXJ1cCAobmd3cykgPG5nd3NAbWV0YW5vaGkubmFtZT6JATgEEwEC ACIFAlA+nqoCGwMGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEDPPm860kuEl yVgIAI5/lLEPLeOHuXQuDhNGGXBneml3zB+GvTeuPjd6SRz/DeddW6BQ4aX9M+Oh QbfsU8k37vmJISyf1jM/n7MrLZAvPH+gbyD5FD4+pzGv7kItJv/gdlVcZ+Ycop5+ laa9s9kMB1LuDrKx+fgfDehl0eTW4AYH88ncQ9+Bgef4GsvBlbZAhuPjU39EN4vE 7oXY0NV2h06ZktJ4m598AxDU0Lj5PoZzAIXi2072BTQzEeo7lw+yvTigMql5KqIf IoewZ0eJh3+dNyGff2XkOuzyjDs8uAXpWZ1lcsvrl8mWHyZi3zxs16Gyjh8sCLdS EYdd8duzy1kYfsBuvvO3iQ8pY4O5AQ0EUD6eqgEIAN8Ov94RwF1Mw/NaQUQItgO2 4c9k07COxqjGaX+HtmgAOhO6ndlGp8NgGTb6bhTYEXqgAE73hoExcIddBJ0kkxNt SNKH8x+neXmN4NzTYijrprL8e01H8toFt1Kwcyc/MiGhd/5bEqoWqYCOHncQqP0h 8AnJJ4tNpiPKNvPwA7gkgfI5iEB7CoYiOYb4dmWefNEDZbjdmPqV6hxW+CEXuafG FIZq4gzT8KKgrvjvhvY+OCBN08UKFgTg3Z6sCSz1E6QqOvk80FOHrHd6oED83iec Drtfsm6qCAtqV+zHjAX5dGL7P5s/4Os9Zs5o3CojkaKpRgVktqBL0xYZoDPCsPsA EQEAAYkBHwQYAQIACQUCUD6eqgIbDAAKCRAzz5vOtJLhJV32B/9jnsRQJG5U0+B4 Nifr4TM0K6Xmla5+zhU/Gbmcr5wSSwVbqyyqnxtc/sbTUX87heNhP4ufpMFt47yJ QK0mf0rYFIw+W9vmb/ISLMyKad5Og0C7Jg2/JJ4xNiCfTr2D99DzhNklYK/zYV81 VgEbOYPuk9v+vSCGVNOTiBkijZpGXBo2gDmt9Aay+hBQP59sc96YTEjMnLGyZiGE ugmrJNM4ejYVoDnUh8eaPFNvQjEUtwtzqY0iwbQvtWzBRlMTPRLOy/iuIzGitqMI EOTFhRXYSWReVaHWxduolu5YplmQHYj1LtGm4p6659ymKr80tzWAg3LK7AzDXRQ+ 235mE/xO =uaPn —END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK— #&


#&img;url=img/niels-eyes.png, width=600, center, caption=Niels (kind of)


#&img;url=img/fsfmember.png, medlink=

(I'm not currently a member due to my student economy, but I might become a member again later on.)