# macros import sys import os.path # Ugly hack for local installations htmlgen = sys.modules['mege.htmlgen'] htmlfunc = sys.modules['mege.htmlfunc'] import mege.git as git import mege.misc as misc def download_prog(root, fname): return '' def list_pages(pathdir): dl = htmlfunc.DefList() fs = [(p if os.path.isfile(p) else os.path.join( p, 'index.org'), f, f[:-4] if os.path.isfile(p) else f + '/') for p, f in filter( lambda pf: (os.path.isfile(pf[0]) and pf[0].endswith('.org') and pf[1] != 'index.org') or ( os.path.isdir(pf[0]) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pf[0], 'index.org'))), ((os.path.join(pathdir, f), f) for f in os.listdir(pathdir)))] fs.sort(key=lambda pf: git.rr.get_last_modified_date(pf[0])[0] or misc.utcwhenmodified(pf[0])) for p, f, l in fs[::-1]: a = htmlgen.org_to_abstract(p, isfile=True, only_metadata=True) dl.add_item(htmlfunc.link(l, a.title), a.summary if a.summary else None) #'No summary.') return dl.generate_html() def titlelink(path, pathdir=None): pathdir = misc.macrog('pathdir', pathdir) orgpath = misc.get_org_path(os.path.join(pathdir, path)) if orgpath: a = htmlgen.org_to_abstract(orgpath, isfile=True, only_metadata=True) title = a.title else: title = path return htmlfunc.link(path, title).generate_html()