#+title: About Niels #+summary: A short description of metanohi's creator #+license: bysa #&toc * About Niels Niels G. W. Serup is the creator of metanohi and [[/projects/mege/][mege]], metanohi's engine. He was born in 1992 and lives in Denmark. He studies datalogi (computer science) at the University of Copenhagen, [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIKU][DIKU]]. ** Contact Niels can be contacted at [[mailto:ns@metanohi.name][ns@metanohi.name]]. ** Software which Niels uses *** Emacs Emacs is a nice text editor. [[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][Get it]]. Links: [[https://gitorious.org/nqpz-config/nqpz-config/blobs/raw/master/home/.emacs][my .emacs]] and [[https://gitorious.org/nqpz-config/nqpz-config/trees/master/home/.emacs.d][my .emacs.d]]. *** Conkeror Conkeror is a nice webbrowser, somewhat similar in design to Emacs. [[http://conkeror.org/][Get it]]. Links: [[https://gitorious.org/nqpz-config/nqpz-config/trees/master/home/.conkerorrc][My .conkerorrc]]. *** StumpWM StumpWM is a nice tiling, Emacs-like window mananger. It has much fewer features than e.g. XMonad (another tiling wm), but it's simple and efficient. [[http://stumpwm.antidesktop.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl][Get it]]. Links: <@eval macros.titlelink('/writings/stumpwm')@>, [[https://gitorious.org/nqpz-config/nqpz-config/blobs/raw/master/home/.stumpwmrc][my .stumpwmrc]]. *** Trisquel I run Trisquel, a fully free as in freedom operating system. [[http://trisquel.info][Get it]]. *** Unison I use [[http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/index.html][Unison]] to synchronize files. More and more people are beginning to rely on fancy stuff such as the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gopher_(protocol)][internet]] to synchronize their [[http://nxg.me.uk/note/2005/singular-data/][data]]. I don't. I can not be sure there is always fast internet, and I cannot be sure that my data is secure, except if I spend time encrypting it heavily. When I am done using my desktop computer at the end of a day, I transfer files from my desktop computer to my USB flash drive with Unison. Then I place my USB flash drive in one of my left pockets and forget about it. The next day, when I need to synchronize my files with my laptop, I remember putting my flash drive in my lower left pocket. I pick it up and put it in my laptop, and then I run Unison again. It's fast, secure and durable (I often have poor or even none connection when working on my laptop). ** Things which Niels uses but doesn't like *** GitHub When I want to make a git repository available online, I like to do it on the server which also hosts metanohi, or a free software online host, such as one running Gitorious. I don't quite like the very popular GitHub service, because it is not free software. The negative effects of GitHub's proprietarity is that its users cannot learn from studying GitHub's code, and that they cannot run their own GitHubs. Users mostly use GitHub for public data, and since git repositories are distributed, it is easy to move a git repository from GitHub to another git repo hosting service --- just change the push address of your local repository. All of this means that GitHub cannot cause serious problems when it comes to control over the data you give to it. As such GitHub is far from being as great a problem as e.g. Facebook. But I still don't like GitHub's attitude. I use GitHub because someone created a repository to which I contribute code on GitHub, not because of its "social coding". ** Virtual existences In order of randomness: + [[http://hongabar.org/profile/nqpz][My public friendica profile]] + [[http://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:NqpZ][Libreplanet]] + [[http://identi.ca/nqpz][Identi.ca]] + [[http://nqpz.filmaster.com/][Filmaster]] + [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:NqpZ][Wikipedia]] + [[https://savannah.gnu.org/users/nqpz][GNU Savannah]] + [[https://gitorious.org/~nqpz][Gitorious]] + [[http://openlibrary.org/people/nqpz][Open Library]] + [[http://en.literateprograms.org/User:NqpZ][LiteratePrograms]] + [[https://launchpad.net/~nqpz][Launchpad]] + [[http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/User:Schabeindividuum][Uncyclopedia]] (don't take this one seriously) Also, I don't use Facebook (or Facebook-/like/ social networks). If I did, my data would be in Facebook's virtual hands. Users have way too little control over Facebook. The solution to Facebook and other centralized services is to use decentralized services. So in the case of social networking, use Diaspora, friendica, or something else instead of Facebook. *** I'm not on Facebook --- I'm on friendica! Apparently someone else sharing my first name and my last name is on Facebook. That's not me. I don't use PhageBook. I do, however, use [[http://friendica.com/][friendica]] on [[http://hongabar.org/][Hongabar]]. ** Keys *** SSH #&pre ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0JbXv5uILGhIWrY9695Djfx9ooQ/vBlhUxMe2yCqI645sWim8QvYNllc94jkKkOkNUGCurHlselXI+wribIKbbv2ZHr7exioZrlxwjVw9V9XeL+Rvewrbb1kBQFsuzsJVZzjfx3mggn+DOW0PN+qFfrjlh0jXGC0sYYQmYSBMCjemDhWv4WkbuH7fpqjY+wpoJpmtj1Ch+5rbxoTDdhNfk+WOtLQ9mAYYrAdBvajSzDuveoTQtTeJ66alT6ii+yyODuzsm46mlbLSfNKxy7a+1Do3ZYePiB6bhLf7+huC7OGjRZ3i+1zMHP5y3ypzQGKzcCU+5f+TpMfA+8A3Ep2qw== niels@gustace #& *** PGP #&pre pub 2048R/225C568A 2011-08-12 uid Niels Serup (nqpz) sub 2048R/AB41DB54 2011-08-12 #& #&pre -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) mQENBE5FVoMBCADEQb2hIa7P9dDER7IX8DZpKqKXFZqcZ/ZGJLaaYZRCnZJW/Kg+ oD5rZn5Vp3pV0Yq648H1+sgeCFhHhIR7ZRw5+7JxnEfH4Fie2ciyVABGTAssRD+u bshKT2kbm4aC1Y4SAzDNcy3fGP5bpO/BiznRS/LjGDPlzx7T322oHKIPrBjsilMy DvZUtUYQaFkiI7oDYmIR19J1S8fwuRcMBlwLuYOLxxKc0qyMpiCcAF0P2p6scHpL +9GafIf5K+nuLClLKXRoMICX36THHfUglylgzRfuu9aTRfIVHY/GL71NwPwTuH9/ V6ls78ZOPIOMtLlFiopnKG8qCySSPALAK8U9ABEBAAG0JU5pZWxzIFNlcnVwIChu cXB6KSA8bnNAbWV0YW5vaGkubmFtZT6JATgEEwECACIFAk5FVoMCGwMGCwkIBwMC BhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEJ9YLxwiXFaK/PIH/22PeYjNdWTbRllO9sXj DzaYRjaNietYtvzNFtFbcuJB45bBPZ99uhCJMUyKJxRywPnB3kj9a028SWjmI/nj 0LtlPaxfhNaSWW5BkDZzysq7xS91j/aEtRFR74PjrUWNneEPWF6tLOj5AmNs6gn6 +l/BG1CzcwuSbCvzUHzoOfeM0CBlGYPCa1Z15ntnvnZ7A2BH1/vWD4pjws49PisV UglpnzXkPZoOkMcph/+7EHOQIa48kQ61A8UUEYDQBpWUowLRO5dUwhQLcKy9cffm hCMn6K8jt//ZBQRVZYLMUpANtWwTb7DdFmYc1U5F8if+WyOnyIfbD6IV/hrDO0Rg G4C5AQ0ETkVWgwEIAOJ5SRuD1yHKdRZphi2/GkOAbgPbzwclJfoY9bwq6nUp7VdQ dwpZaVixvbbim1h/Gokpt/BObbiriKZbNfl6VFfWi5VGwR4+nVCBF21Jd4XC3gm4 CzZcXHF4kE5lXu0HN93OQ1ffmFvsm9VILebYRvgp4W3L+rjEKSXXr4twgU/nuAkX tF9/WWmWZUkk/OFKOCfgldfGg660X7tK0H2dKogp0gsXFX+0XlvDo7t5iaH03T4U 3KmUES0Knn6SgX8ztDpE1vc+PgtoO4WzeVZ/FIEiQsF7xB8Zr+vZKqqP/9havTn1 pCZvb68+ghdZB1V3UCT39nmaXV58pG1yqK24GfcAEQEAAYkBHwQYAQIACQUCTkVW gwIbDAAKCRCfWC8cIlxWiiReB/49KvcfOCttjv+UKx3OmY9q09B3KaRwgxgdvI73 XJQIKvlKRHUGu8zh8U6iVKvvFnQ3GfacLLq8yjCvueWH7k9TyXHJzJLm0270dXNF hD87p9UhyPkcyLpuogcU4zzRg4ISNH4FFLP9KkmklsHtRY5gFNFpVlngZxOqIffX zvyuBl4IljlufcGDS8y6o8q6XVFG53MAbBWnOE2u6WrYc3bpiUwobsG7unEIXECY EoIaI4j9T6iYit5+nSYKcOc1F3ANGOjHSHaLXQo2TAR7O0HYu2NXF7UwO9j0l0bV 2G3YOYxZU4UNiKHo6irbwKVolJ5A0fZHR5bz7MJyOGKP64kH =O8Gy -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- #& ** Misc. #&img;url=img/fsfmember.png, medlink=http://www.fsf.org/associate/support_freedom/join_fsf?referrer=8085