#+title: mege documentation #&summary Documentation for the metanohi generator #& #+license: bysa #&+classes=warning Ooops. It appears this document is not quite finished yet. #& * Quick overview + headers + paragraphs + inline modifiers + strong, *bold* + em, /italic/ + _underline_ + combinations + xhtml1.1-based + acronym + abbreviation + cite + code + samp + kbd + var + dfn + sub + sup + del + ins + q + images + tables + head + body + foot + rows + cells + lists + not numbered + numbered + definition lists + links + with name + without name + footnotes + source code highlighting + LaTeX to PNG + xhtml1.1-based block elements + video/audio + address + blockquote + pre + hr + forms * Detailed overview ** Headings \*{1,6}\s*(INLINE)\n? ** Paragraphs INLINE ** Escaped characters Syntax: =\c= where c&var is a character. ** Modifiers In the case of =#&something;args=, default args (defargs) = =[, width=width][,height=height][,float=left|right][,align=left|right|center][,classes=class1 class2...][,caption=caption]=. ** Inline modifiers *** Strong/bold Signal *importance*. Syntax: =*INLINE*= HTML equivalent: #+BEGIN_SRC html INLINE #+END_SRC *** Emphasize/italic /Emphasize/ something. Syntax: =/INLINE/= HTML equivalent: #+BEGIN_SRC html INLINE #+END_SRC *** Underline _Underline_ something. Syntax: =_INLINE_= HTML equivalent: #+BEGIN_SRC html INLINE #+END_SRC *** Generic modifiers and groups Text with spaces can be put in ={= and =}= brackets to function as a group. The ampersand (&) character is commonly used after something, as in =&var= or =&color=red=, which can also be combined to things like =&var,color=red=. A two-part modifier like the =~= in =*bold*= must be preceded by nothing or a space character, and it must be followed by another space character, a period, a comma, an exclamation mark, a question mark, a semicolon, a colon, or something similar. If this is not enough, further abstractions are possible with the =#&code= + newline + text + newline + =#&= construct. The *text is strongly emphasized* and in one paragraph. The #&-strong text is strongly emphasized #& but it's still just in one paragraph even though the =*...*= modifier wasn't used. Inline modifiers cannot be nested, but block modifiers can. This construct must be used in cases where the data is not inline. *** Acronym, abbreviation, variable, definition Describe an acronym, an abbreviation, a variable, or a definition. Syntax: =text&(abbr|acro)(=meaning)?= or =text&(var|dfn)=. Example 1: =mege&abbr\='metanohi generator'= equals mege&abbr='metanohi generator'. Example 2: ={A. B.}&acro=AlBook= equals {A. B.}&acro=AlBook. HTML equivalents: =acronym[INLINE]=&html, =abbreviation[INLINE]=&html, =variable[INLINE]=&html, and =definition[INLINE]=&html. *** Quouting and citing Quote without citing: =a^2+b^2=c^2"e=. Cite without quoting: =http://en.wikipedia.org/&cite=. Quote and cite: ={metanohi exists}&cite=http://metanohi.name/=. HTML equivalent: #+BEGIN_SRC html quote[INLINE] #+END_SRC *** Code Syntax: ==code== or ={=code\=}&lang=. Example: ==print('hi')==, ==print('hi')\=&py3=. If you do not specify a language, the code will not be highlighted. Sample output from a program, with the syntax =~sample~= uses the same logic. *** Keyboard Describe keyboard shortcuts (mainly). Syntax: -shortcut-. Examples: -C-f-, -C-u C-u M-x C-q s-y s-f M-C-n M-C-S-k- (I don't have this keybinding), -Ctrl+Alt+U-, etc. HTML: #+BEGIN_SRC html shortcut #+END_SRC *** Subscript and superscript To achieve something like CH_{3}CO_{2}^{3-} or x_{new} = 2^{50} without resorting to math mode, use the =^= character for superscripts and the =_= character for subscripts. Bracket groups must be used. Note that this is different from LaTeX. *** del, ins =text&del=, =text&ins= = text&del, text&ins. *** Other modifiers Sizes: tiny, small, medium (normal), large, huge. Syntax: =text&size=, eg. =text&large=. Color: =text&color=color=. More than one modifier: =&dfn&color=green=. *** Combinations ..are allowed. However, a certain logic applies. It will not be explained here. It is not yet well-defined. ** Video/audio Syntax: =#&video|audio;url='...'[, autoplay][defargs]= ** Images Syntax for images in blocks: =#&img;url='...',alt='...'[defargs]=. ** Blockquote, address, preformatted text Indent a blockquote or specify an address or show text without post-formatting. Syntax: #+BEGIN_SRC #&block[;cite='url'] paragraphs #& #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC #&address address #& #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC #&pre This is pre-formatted *text*, though not entirely #& #+END_SRC Note: The effect achieved by =#&pre= can also be achieved in another way. ** Block container (div) #+BEGIN_SRC #&+[args] blah #& #+END_SRC ** Line (hr) Syntax: =#&line= ** Links Syntax: =[[url]]= or =[[url][name]]=. ** Footnotes Syntax: =This is a footnote[fn:serup2011].=, and: =[fn:serup2011] It's true!= ** Lists Same as Org-Mode. ** Tables Same as Org-Mode. ** Python execution and evaluation Inline, it's =<&eval ... &>=, =<&exec ... &>=, =<&deval ... &>=, and =<&dexec ... &>=. For blocks, see below. ** Source code Begin with =#+BEGIN_SRC[ language]= and end with =#+END_SRC=. If nothing or =#++high= comes before =#+BEGIN_SRC=, highlight the source code. If =#++show= comes before, just show it (useful for HTML, JavaScript and CSS code). to show inline HTML code, use the =<@html CODE@>= construct. If =#++pre=, show it, but only use inline formatting. If =#++exec=, evaluate it as Python code. If =#++dexec=, do the same thing, but do it whenever the site is reloaded ("dynamic exec"). =#++eval= and =#++deval= can also be used. ** Math Inline math: =$LaTeX$=, example: $\frac{32}{x} = 8 \Rightarrow x \neq \infty$. Block math: =#&math\nLaTeX\n#&=. ** Forms Only accesible via the dynamic execution constructs (at some point --- not implemented yet). * Special features + The =#+...= construct works for single lines only + The =#&...= construct along with =#&= to end it can last over several lines + The =#++...= construct can add instructions to a =#+...= construct if the =#++= is placed just above the =#+=. * Special variables Formatting is not accepted in the following variables. + Title if =#+title:TITLE= is specified + Summary if =#+summary:SUMMARY= or =#&summary\n...\n#&= is specified + Table of contents if =#&toc= is specified + Levels in a table of contents defaults to 3, different if =#+toclvl:lvl= is specified + Full page if =#&fullpage= is specified + License added if =#+license:LICENSEID[, covering what]= is specified (several licenses can be specified)