#+title: Home #+summary: This is the start page. #+license: bysa, own works #+license: Varying, external works #++show #+BEGIN_SRC javascript // Add the FSF widget after the page has loaded. window.addEventListener('load', function(event) { add_fsf_widget(8085); }, false); #+END_SRC * This is metanohi *metanohi* is a website founded in 2009 with a well-defined purpose: to exist. It is the personal website of [[/about/niels][Niels G. W. Serup]], a [[/writings/hacking][hacker]] apprentice in a world of non-hackers. Historically, this start page has featured text which had little purpose except to exist. That is over now. /metanohi/ has no real need for a start page --- and that means no more superfluous text[fn:extra]. Feel free to check out my [[/projects/][Projects]] page. * Passive activism[fn:oxymoron] Beware, for the following Hyperlinks contain Knowledge! #++show #+BEGIN_SRC html
Windows 7 Sins Support Wikipedia Use ODF!
Don't use Facebook! Save the Internet Stop software patents Stop Digital Rights Management
#+END_SRC [fn:extra] Not much, anyway.[fn:notsuperfluous] [fn:notsuperfluous] This footnote is not superfluous.[fn:notfunny] [fn:oxymoron] "Passive activism" is an oxymoron. Activism is, of course, not a passive thing. But having links stowed on the front of one's web page certainly is. [fn:notfunny] This footnote is not funny.[fn:notsuperfluous]