#+title: Initialization #+summary: This is the start page. #+license: wtfpl * Meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-metanohi! *metanohi* is a website created in 2009. It is the personal website of [[/about/niels][Niels G. W. Serup]], a [[/writings/hacking][hacker]] in a world of non-hackers. Historically, this start page has featured text which tried to be funny. It never really worked right, so now there's just a lot of footnotes.[fn:evenmore]. * Quick links If you're not the type who crawls through the entirety of a website when you visit it (why not?), here's the author's pick of metanohi pages you should read: + <@eval macros.titlelink('/writings/atem')@> + [[http://suum.metanohi.name/][SUUM]] + [[http://git.metanohi.name/][git projects]] * Important note This website is very broken (though its structural design is pretty ok). However, you probably won't notice it. Just keep in mind that the code running this site is unmaintained and poor; see for yourself at <@eval macros.titlelink('/projects/mege')@>. [fn:evenmore] Not just a lot, but A LOT[fn:alot] [fn:alot] Like, 3[fn:alot2] [fn:alot2] No, more like 4[fn:notfunny] [fn:notfunny] This footnote is *not* funny.[fn:notsuperfluous] [fn:notsuperfluous] This footnote is not superfluous.[fn:notfunny]