#+title: Test of mege features #&summary Test of many features #& #+license: bysa, images * Test of mege features *mege* has many features. A bit /too/ many, perhaps. ** Lists + A + B + C Another list: + The text of this line actually takes up two lines in its source form, and not just one. + Just one line + A sublist + with another entry 1. and so on 2. etc. + continuing ** Definition lists + Lizard :: an animal + Ape :: also an animal + Book :: not an animal + Other books :: in existence + fail + aoa :: auoua oeu aou oe o u ouaoe uaoe uo uaoura oeu euao aoe aoe u au oo uo uoe uo oe u,. uoeauoe uoa u,u * a * 3u :: o (correct behaviour) ** Images #&img;url=test.png,alt='This is a test picture',width=340 ** Block containers Block quote: #&block Hello. #& *** Combination #÷large #&block This is a paragraph inside a blockquote inside a block container. \#& #& #& ** Inline container abc #&-strong,tiny,color=red def (no new parapraph) #& ghi. ** Inline modifiers This is a bt&acro='brutal test' of mege. More {bru te}&abbr='brutal testing'... + In a list + Not escaped: x&var, escaped: x\&var, not escaped in group: {x}&var, escaped in group: {x}\&var. ns@metanohi.org ua Nested groups: {{ab{ula aa}&abbr=a cd}&var&color=red cd}&acro ** Inline inline formatting *mege*. /mege/ ... _mege_, {=mege mege=}&html. ~mege~! -C-f-? Fail: ~mege ~, *meg*e, solution: {{mege }&samp}, {meg&strong}e Nested fail: */oo/ aub. {{a&strong}&emph}, {a&strong&emph} A */_woo_/*! ** Tables *** Body only | Name | Age | | Xryurg | 300 | | Bkrau | 2 | *** With head and foot | Name | Age | |--------+-----| | Xryurg | 300 | | Bkrau | *2* | |--------+-----| | Name | Age | ** Footnotes This sentence is true[fn:true]. This is /not/[fn:false]. [fn:true] Master of Truthfulness, 1997 [fn:false] Master of Truthfulness, 1999, /revised ed./, with special introduction by the Master of Falsefulness \[fn:false] Master of Truthfulness, 1999, revised ed. ** Eval'd Code Inline code: <@eval 2 + 3@>. Block code: #++eval #+BEGIN_SRC python 2 + 3 #+END_SRC * Org features not supported by mege ** In lists #+BEGIN_SRC 10. [&10]Starting at 10 11. ABC 40. [&40]Going to 40 41. 2+2=4 #+END_SRC