/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */ /* This code is MESSY! It is UNCOMMENTED! It is JAVASCRIPT! In short: It's not perfect. WTF. */ function nothing() { // NOTHING } function finalend() { head.removeChild(stylesheet) document.body.style.backgroundColor="#000" document.body.style.color="#fff" document.body.style.fontFamily="'lucida console','lucida sans',verdana,arial" document.body.style.fontSize="14px" document.body.innerHTML="DOS
>" document.title="" } function gameover() { if (!goa) { goa=true dir=2 mvn[2]=false document.onkeydown=nothing document.onkeyup=nothing gbdiv.style.top="43px" gbdiv.style.left="57px" for (i=0;i1) { if (bcblo) bctm++ else bctm-- bccgt=setTimeout("boxmsg()",1) } else { if (bcblo) { bcblo=false boxmsgb() } else { bcblo=true bmd.style.display="none" if (endtf) finalend() } } } function startmove(direction) { clearTimeout(at) clearTimeout(mt) dir=direction for (i=0;iobjla && nlobjrt && ntnobjla && nlnobjrt && nt28 && nl<92 && nt>16 && nt<64) {dt=true;ng=false;end=true} if (!dt) { if (nt-4 && nl<580) ng=true } else { ptmt=(dir-2)*moveby*(-2)+moveby nt=gt+ptmt if (nt>-4 && nt<308) ng=true } } if (ng) { gbdiv.style.left=nl+"px" gbdiv.style.top=nt+"px" } else stopmove(dir) if (end) gameover() mt=setTimeout("move()",100) } function ani() { for (i=0;i