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Try <a href='http://www.google.com/'>Google</a>..." else if (instr("my name is ") || instr("my name's ")) { if (i.name=="") { if (instr("my name is ")) namevariation="name is" else namevariation="name's" namesearch=iv.search(namevariation+" ") namesearch=namesearch+1+namevariation.length name=iv.substr(namesearch) i.name=name f="Oh, really? So your name is "+name+", huh? Well, let me tell you one thing.. My name is Chad!" } else f="You already told me my name. Your name is "+i.name+", right? And I don't believe a person is able to change one's name in this short matter of time.. You wanna change your name?" } else if (instr("what is my name") || instr("what's my name")) { if (i.name=="") f="I don't know what your name is.. What is it? Please, tell me!" else f="You can't even remember your own name.. Well, if you insist..<br />YOUR NAME IS "+i.name+"!" } else if (i.name!="" && instr(i.name)) f="You're correct.. Your name sure is "+i.name+"..<br /><br /><br />(Next, it might be a good idea to learn the alphabet..)" else f="Hmmm... I don't quite understand you.." i.value="" o.innerHTML=f i.focus() } function instr(str) { id=document.getElementById("input").value itl=id.toLowerCase() result=itl.search(str) if (result!=-1) return true else return false } function cleartimes() { clearTimeout(countseconds) clearTimeout(eyetime) clearTimeout(mouthtime) } function movepartsload() { c=0 movemouth() moveeyes() moveparts() } function moveparts() { if (c==3) { document.getElementById("output").className="t" cleartimes() } else { c=c+1 document.getElementById("output").className="" countseconds=setTimeout("moveparts()",1000) } } lebl=106 rebl=128 function moveeyes() { leb=document.getElementById("lefteyeball") reb=document.getElementById("righteyeball") if (lebl==106) leb.className="t" else if (lebl==90) leb.className="" if (rebl==144) reb.className="t" else if (rebl==128) reb.className="" if (leb.className=="") lebl=lebl+1 else lebl=lebl-1 if (reb.className=="") rebl=rebl+1 else rebl=rebl-1 leb.style.left=lebl+"px" reb.style.left=rebl+"px" eyetime=setTimeout("moveeyes()",50) } mouthimg=1 function movemouth() { mouth=document.getElementById("mouth") if (mouthimg==1) { mouth.style.backgroundImage="url(img/ccm2.gif)" mouthimg=2 } else { mouth.style.backgroundImage="url(img/ccm1.gif)" mouthimg=1 } mouthtime=setTimeout("movemouth()",300) } function loadstuff() { i=document.getElementById("input") i.focus() } window.onload=loadstuff </script> </head> <body> <div id='wrapper'> <div id='lefteyeball'></div> <div id='righteyeball'></div> <div id='mouth'></div> <div id='text'> <div id='movetext'></div> <div id='output' class='t'> Welcome to ChadChat.<br />I'm Chad, and you can ask me all kinds of questions (even though I can't guarantee an intelligent answer..)<br />Type <b>help</b> if you're completely lost.<br />Type <b>links</b> to see what cool links I know of..<br />And finally, just chat with me! </div> </div> <div id='inputwrapper'> <form action='javascript:askme()'> <input type='text' id='input' /> <a href='javascript:askme()'>Ask me!</a> </form> </div> </div> </body> </html>