/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */ /* I'm sorry I never got around to beautifying the code, but I was * simply more focused on encoding and subbing my films. */ function empty(){} HTMLElement.prototype.set_opacity = function(val) { this.style.opacity = val this.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + val*100 + ')' } HTMLElement.prototype.fade = function(fade_in, increase, speed, afterfunc) { if (increase == undefined || increase == -1) var increase = 5 if (speed = undefined || speed == -1) var speed = 50 if (afterfunc == undefined) var afterfunc = empty this.style.display = 'block' if (fade_in) { this.fade_opacity = 0 this.set_opacity(0) } else { this.fade_opacity = 100 this.set_opacity(1) } this.fade_increase = increase this.fade_afterfunc = afterfunc this.fade_in = fade_in this.fade_interval = setInterval(this.fade_run, speed, this) } HTMLElement.prototype.fade_in = function(increase, speed, afterfunc) { this.fade(true, increase, speed, afterfunc) } HTMLElement.prototype.fade_out = function(increase, speed, afterfunc) { this.fade(false, increase, speed, afterfunc) } HTMLElement.prototype.fade_run = function(obj) { var end if (obj.fade_in) { obj.fade_opacity += obj.fade_increase end = obj.fade_opacity >= 100 } else { obj.fade_opacity -= obj.fade_increase end = obj.fade_opacity <= 0 } if (!end) obj.set_opacity(obj.fade_opacity/100) else obj.fade_end() } HTMLElement.prototype.fade_end = function() { clearInterval(this.fade_interval) if (this.fade_in) this.set_opacity(1) else { this.set_opacity(0) this.style.display = 'none' } delete this.fade_interval delete this.fade_opacity delete this.fade_increase delete this.fade_in var func = this.fade_afterfunc delete this.fade_afterfunc func() } function get_window_size() { if (window.innerWidth) { w = window.innerWidth h = window.innerHeight } else if (document.body.clientWidth) { w = document.body.clientWidth h = document.body.clientHeight } } function update_csssvg() { get_window_size() try { // More logical resize if (h < w * 0.45) svg.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid slice') else svg.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet') } catch (error) {} // Just for looks text_box.style.minHeight = h - 101 + 'px' text_content.style.minHeight = h - 215 - menu_height + 'px' } function in_list(obj, lst) { for (var x in lst) { if (lst[x] == obj) return x } return -1 } function set_title_based_on_page(num) { if (pages_titles[num]) document.title = root_title + ' :: ' + pages_titles[num] } function pagescroll_start() { if (page_scrolling) return false var newelem = pages_elems[new_num] var oldelem = pages_elems[old_num] newelem.style.position = 'absolute' newelem.style.top = '6px' newelem.style.marginLeft = '525px' newelem.className = 'focus' if (newelem.scrollHeight > oldelem.scrollHeight) { newelem.style.position = '' newelem.style.marginLeft = '525px' oldelem.style.position = 'absolute' oldelem.style.top = '6px' } page_moved = 0 increase = 10 page_change_increase = 400 page_scrolling = true pagescroll() } function pagescroll() { var tmp_increase = increase + 15 if (page_moved + tmp_increase < page_change_increase) increase = tmp_increase else increase -= 25 mv = page_moved + increase if (mv < PAGE_WIDTH) { page_moved = mv text_content.style.left = -mv + 'px' setTimeout("pagescroll()", 50) } else pagescroll_end() } function pagescroll_end() { var newelem = pages_elems[new_num] var oldelem = pages_elems[old_num] current_page = pages_refs[new_num] set_title_based_on_page(new_num) text_content.removeAttribute('style') newelem.removeAttribute('style') oldelem.removeAttribute('style') oldelem.className = 'hidden' text_content.style.left = '0' newelem.style.left = '0' oldelem.style.left = '0' pages_menu_elems[old_num].className = '' pages_menu_elems[new_num].className = 'focus' page_scrolling = false } function cinema_start(num, subs_lang) { if (video_playing) { if (num != video_playing) { video_playing = num cininf.fade_out(10, -1, function() {cinema_set_description(); cininf.fade_in(10)}) cinema_play() } return } if (subs_lang) { var ok = false for (var x in subtitles) { if (subtitles[x][0] == num) { ok = true subtitles[x][1].resume() break } } if (!ok) subtitles.push([num, new subtitle(cinvid, 'vid/niels-natur'+num+'-'+subs_lang+'.srt', cinelm)]) } video_playing = num cinema_set_description() cinelm.fade_in(7, -1, cinema_start_continue) } function cinema_set_description() { cininf.innerHTML = root_title + ' ' + video_playing } function cinema_start_continue() { cininf.fade_in(10) cinelm_close.fade_in(10) text_wrapper.style.display = 'none' bgflow.style.display = 'none' cinema_play() } function cinema_play() { var url = 'vid/niels-natur' + video_playing + '-small.ogv' if (cinvid.currentTime != undefined) { cinvid.src = url cinvid.play() } else { add_cortado(url) } } function cinema_end() { text_wrapper.style.display = '' bgflow.style.display = '' if (cinvid.currentTime != undefined) { cinvid.pause() } else { remove_cortado() } for (var x in subtitles) { if (subtitles[x][0] == video_playing) { subtitles[x][1].stop() break } } video_playing = 0 cininf.fade_out(7) cinelm_close.fade_out() cinelm.fade_out(-1, -1, function(){}) } function do_action(href) { var action, x action = href.substr(href.indexOf('#')+1) if (!page_scrolling && action != current_page && in_list(action, pages_refs) != -1) { // It is a hidden page (to be shown) var name, elem, menu_elem, parent for (x in pages_refs) { name = pages_refs[x] elem = pages_elems[x] menu_elem = pages_menu_elems[x] if (name == action) { // Put element after other elements parent = elem.parentNode parent.removeChild(elem) parent.appendChild(elem) new_num = x } else if (name == current_page) { old_num = x } } pagescroll_start() } else if (action.indexOf('play') == 0) { var play = action.substr(4) var dot = play.indexOf('.') var subs if (dot != -1) { subs = play.substr(dot+1) play = play.substr(0, dot) } else subs = false play = play*1 if (play) { do_action(pages_refs[1]) cinema_start(play, subs) } } } function remove_cortado(url) { cinvid.removeChild(cinapp) delete cinapp } function add_cortado(url) { cinapp = document.createElement('applet') cinapp.setAttribute('code', 'com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class') cinapp.setAttribute('archive', 'http://theora.org/cortado.jar') cinapp.width = '640' cinapp.height = '360' namval = { 'url': url, 'local': 'false', 'duration': '', 'bufferSize': '200', 'autoPlay': 'true', 'statusHeight': '16' } for (x in namval) { elem = document.createElement('param') elem.setAttribute('name', x) elem.setAttribute('value', namval[x]) if (x == 'url') cinapp_url = elem cinapp.appendChild(elem) } cinvid.appendChild(cinapp) } window.onload = function() { // Get elements bgflow = document.getElementById('bgflow') text_wrapper = document.getElementById('text_wrapper') text_box = document.getElementById('text_box') text_menu = document.getElementById('text_menu') text_content = document.getElementById('text_content') PAGE_WIDTH = 525 HALF_PAGE = Math.round(PAGE_WIDTH / 2) + 10 // With a little extra // Set default values (also for debugging) w = -1 h = -1 old_num = -1 new_num = -1 page_scrolling = false video_playing = 0 // Get menu height if menu exists try { menu_height = text_menu.offsetHeight } catch(err) { menu_height = 0 } // Get root element of background SVG try { svg = bgflow.getSVGDocument().rootElement } catch (error) {} root_title = document.title var elems, elem, x, y, name, urlhash, hash_in_list, elem_num, menu_elem var elems2, elem2 urlhash = window.location.hash.substr(1) pages_refs = new Array() pages_elems = new Array() pages_menu_elems = new Array() pages_titles = new Array() elems = text_menu.childNodes for (x in elems) { elem = elems[x] if (elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li') { pages_menu_elems.push(elem) elem = elem.childNodes[0] pages_titles.push(elem.innerHTML) 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= 'cinema-close' cinelm_close.onclick = function() {cinema_end()} cinelm.appendChild(cinelm_close) cinvid = document.createElement('video') cinvid.id = 'cinema-film' cinvid.width = '640' cinvid.height = '360' cinvid.setAttribute('controls', 'controls') cinvid.addEventListener('ended', function() {cinema_end()}, true) cinelm.appendChild(cinvid) cininf = document.createElement('div') cininf.id = 'cinema-info' cinelm.appendChild(cininf) document.body.appendChild(cinelm) // Prepare for loading of subtitles subtitles = new Array() // Do whatever the hash tells you to do do_action(urlhash) // Prepare to update css and svg (and do it) window.onresize = function() {update_csssvg()} update_csssvg() }