274 lines
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274 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
-- | Run the actual operations from the generated dependencies from DependencyGenerator.
-- This does not work fully as intended right now (computes more than strictly
-- needed) and needs to be rewritten in a more testable way. The idea is to only
-- evaluate something if a future operation depends on it, which is reflected in
-- the ValueExistence type.
module Byg.DependencyRunner
( DepRunM
, runDeps
, runDepRunMIO
, extractSndToken
, extractSndTokenAsList
) where
import Byg.Types (evalFunctionIO, functionIOReads, functionIOWrites)
import Byg.Types.Value
import Byg.Types.Token
import Byg.Types.Dependency
import Type.Reflection (Typeable)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad (void, forM, filterM)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, MonadIO, StateT, evalStateT, get, modify, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter, WriterT, runWriterT, tell)
import System.Directory (getModificationTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..))
import qualified System.Directory as SD
data LastUpdated = Never
| NeverDebug String
| NeverInput
| At UTCTime
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data ValueExistence = Evaluated Value LastUpdated
| NotEvaluated (LastUpdated -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated)))
newtype DepRunM a = DepRunM { unDepRunM :: WriterT [FilePath] (StateT (Map Int ValueExistence) IO) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO,
MonadState (Map Int ValueExistence),
MonadWriter [FilePath])
runDeps :: [Dependency] -> DepRunM ()
runDeps = mapM_ runDep
runDepRunMIO :: DepRunM a -> IO (a, [FilePath])
runDepRunMIO m = evalStateT (runWriterT (unDepRunM m)) M.empty
evaluate :: LastUpdated -> ValueExistence -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
evaluate luFuture = \case
Evaluated v lu -> pure (Just (v, lu))
NotEvaluated m -> m luFuture
runDep :: Dependency -> DepRunM ()
runDep (Dependency _ a action _ b) =
if actionWritesAny action
then void (m Never)
else putTokenValue b $ NotEvaluated m
where m :: LastUpdated -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
m luFuture = do
mr <- runAction action a luFuture
case mr of
Just (result, luResult) -> do
putTokenValue b $ Evaluated result luResult
pure $ Just (result, luResult)
Nothing ->
pure Nothing
extractSndToken :: Token (a, b) -> Token b
extractSndToken = \case
TupleToken _ b ->
_ ->
error "unsupported"
extractSndTokenAsList :: (Show b, Typeable b) => Token (a, b) -> Token [b]
extractSndTokenAsList = ListToken . (: []) . extractSndToken
getTokenValueByIndex :: LastUpdated -> Int -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
getTokenValueByIndex luFuture i = do
m <- get
case m M.!? i of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just x -> evaluate luFuture x
-- minimumOrNever :: [LastUpdated] -> LastUpdated
-- minimumOrNever = \case
-- [] -> Never
-- times -> minimum times
maximumOrNever :: [LastUpdated] -> LastUpdated
maximumOrNever = \case
[] -> Never
times -> maximum times
maximumOrNever' :: [UTCTime] -> LastUpdated
maximumOrNever' = maximumOrNever . map At
getTokenValueRaw :: LastUpdated -> Token a -> DepRunM (Maybe (a, LastUpdated))
getTokenValueRaw luFuture token = case token of
Token i -> do
m <- getTokenValueByIndex luFuture i
pure $ do (a, lu) <- m
pure (fromValue a, lu)
TupleToken a b -> do
m0 <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture a
m1 <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture b
case (m0, m1) of
(Just (a', luA), Just (b', luB)) ->
pure $ Just ((a', b'), max luA luB)
(Just (a', luA), Nothing) -> do -- | luA /= NeverInput -> do
r <- getTokenValueRaw (NeverDebug (show (a', luA))) b
pure $ case r of
Nothing -> error ("unexpected " ++ show b ++ " (" ++ show (a', luA) ++ ")")
Just (b', luB) -> Just ((a', b'), max luA luB)
(Nothing, Just (b', luB)) -> do -- | luB /= NeverInput -> do
r <- getTokenValueRaw (NeverDebug (show (b', luB))) a
pure $ case r of
Nothing -> error "unexpected"
Just (a', luA) -> Just ((a', b'), max luA luB)
_ ->
pure $ Nothing
ZipToken a b -> do
m0 <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture a
m1 <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture b
case (m0, m1) of
(Just (a', luA), Just (b', luB)) ->
pure $ Just (zip a' b', max luA luB)
(Just (a', luA), Nothing) -> do -- | luA /= NeverInput -> do
r <- getTokenValueRaw Never b
pure $ case r of
Nothing -> error "unexpected"
Just (b', luB) -> Just (zip a' b', max luA luB)
(Nothing, Just (b', luB)) -> do -- | luB /= NeverInput -> do
r <- getTokenValueRaw Never a
pure $ case r of
Nothing -> error "unexpected"
Just (a', luA) -> Just (zip a' b', max luA luB)
_ ->
pure $ Nothing
ListToken ts -> do
ms <- mapM (getTokenValueRaw luFuture) ts
if False -- null $ filter ((/= NeverInput) . snd) (catMaybes ms)
then pure Nothing
else do ms' <- case sequence ms of
Just x -> pure x
Nothing -> do r <- mapM (getTokenValueRaw Never) ts
case sequence r of
Nothing -> error "unexpected"
Just x -> pure x
let (as, lus) = unzip ms'
pure $ Just (as, maximumOrNever lus)
NoToken ->
pure $ Just ((), Never)
getTokenValue :: Token a -> LastUpdated -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
getTokenValue token luFuture = case token of
Token i ->
getTokenValueByIndex luFuture i
TupleToken _ _ ->
fromRaw token
ZipToken _ _ ->
fromRaw token
ListToken _ ->
fromRaw token
NoToken ->
fromRaw token
where fromRaw :: (Typeable a, Show a) => Token a -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
fromRaw t = do
m <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture t
pure $ do (x, lu) <- m
pure (toValue x, lu)
putTokenValue :: Token a -> ValueExistence -> DepRunM ()
putTokenValue t v = case t of
Token i ->
modify $ M.insert i v
NoToken ->
pure ()
_ ->
error "unexpected"
maximumModTime :: [FilePath] -> DepRunM LastUpdated
maximumModTime paths = do
paths' <- filterM (liftIO . SD.doesPathExist) paths
times <- mapM (liftIO . getModificationTime) paths'
pure $ maximumOrNever' times
runAction :: forall a b. Action a b -> Token a -> LastUpdated
-> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
runAction action tokenInput luFuture = case action of
Function (F f) ->
calc f
FunctionIO f -> do
m <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture $ functionIOWrites f tokenInput
case m of
Nothing ->
pure Nothing -- error "unexpected" -- wrong?
Just (writes, _writesLu) -> do
tell writes
lastWritten <- max luFuture <$> maximumModTime writes
result <- getTokenValue tokenInput lastWritten
case result of
Just (inputValue, luInput) -> do
let input = inputFromValue inputValue
lastUpdated <- max luInput <$> (maximumModTime $ functionIOReads f input)
if lastUpdated > lastWritten
then do liftIO $ do
putStrLn ("input: " ++ show input)
putStrLn ("input last updated: " ++ show luInput)
putStrLn ("IO function: " ++ show f)
putStrLn ("Source timestamp: " ++ show lastUpdated)
putStrLn ("Target timestamp: " ++ show lastWritten)
v <- toValue <$> (liftIO $ evalFunctionIO f input)
-- tell writes
let luResult = max luInput lastUpdated
liftIO $ do
putStrLn ("output: " ++ show v)
putStrLn ("output last updated: " ++ show luResult)
putStrLn "----------"
pure $ Just (v, luResult)
else do -- liftIO $ putStrLn ("Source timestamp "
-- ++ show lastUpdated
-- ++ " not newer than target timestamp "
-- ++ show lastWritten
-- ++ "; ignoring IO computation.")
pure Nothing -- (toValue (), lastWritten) -- assumes writing FunctionIO always return ()
Nothing ->
pure Nothing
Inject x ->
pure $ Just (toValue x, NeverInput)
FilterComp ->
calc (\(vs, mask) -> map fst $ filter snd $ zip vs mask)
UntupleFst ->
calc fst
UntupleSnd ->
calc snd
UnzipFst ->
calc (map fst)
UnzipSnd ->
calc (map snd)
MapComp subDeps innerInput innerOutput -> do
m <- getTokenValue tokenInput luFuture
case m of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (inputValue, luInput) -> do
let input = inputFromValue inputValue
lastUpdated <- maximumModTime $ actionReads action input
result <- forM input $ \x -> do
putTokenValue innerInput $ Evaluated (toValue x) (max luInput lastUpdated)
runDeps subDeps
mr <- getTokenValue innerOutput luFuture
pure $ do (vOut, luOut) <- mr
pure (fromValue vOut, luOut)
pure $ do result' <- sequence result
let (values, lus) = unzip result'
pure $ (toValueRep (actionTargetType action) values, maximumOrNever lus)
where inputFromValue :: Typeable a => Value -> a
inputFromValue = fromValueRep (actionSourceType action)
calc :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Show b) => (a -> b) -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
calc f = do
m <- getTokenValue tokenInput luFuture
pure $ do (inputValue, luInput) <- m
let input = inputFromValue inputValue
pure (toValue $ f input, luInput)