Allow easier FunctionIO plug and play
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ library
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ import Types.Token (Token(..))
import Types.Values
import Types.Values
import Types.Value (Valuable(..))
import Types.Value (Valuable(..))
import Types.Function (Function(..))
import Types.Function (Function(..))
import Types.FunctionIO (FunctionIO(..))
import Types.FunctionIO
import Types.Dependency (Action(..), Dependency, makeDependency, makeUToken)
import Types.Dependency (Action(..), Dependency, makeDependency, makeUToken)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, State, runState, put, get)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, State, runState, put, get)
@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ inject x = genDependency (makeDependency NoToken (Inject (toValue x)))
runFunction :: Function -> Token a -> DepGenM' b
runFunction :: Function -> Token a -> DepGenM' b
runFunction f input = genDependency (makeDependency input (Function f))
runFunction f input = genDependency (makeDependency input (Function f))
runFunctionIO :: FunctionIO -> Token a -> DepGenM' b
runFunctionIO :: IsFunctionIO f => f -> Token a -> DepGenM' b
runFunctionIO f input = genDependency (makeDependency input (FunctionIO f))
runFunctionIO f input = genDependency (makeDependency input (FunctionIO f))
runFunctionIO' :: FunctionIO -> Token a -> DepGenM ()
runFunctionIO_ :: IsFunctionIO f => f -> Token a -> DepGenM ()
runFunctionIO' f input = tellDep $ makeDependency input (FunctionIO f) NoToken
runFunctionIO_ f input = tellDep $ makeDependency input (FunctionIO f) NoToken
class TokenableTo t s | s -> t where
class TokenableTo t s | s -> t where
toToken :: s -> DepGenM' t
toToken :: s -> DepGenM' t
@ -258,19 +258,19 @@ openImage :: TokenableTo FilePath a => a -> DepGenM' Image
openImage a = runFunctionIO OpenImage =<< toToken a
openImage a = runFunctionIO OpenImage =<< toToken a
saveImage :: (TokenableTo Image a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM ()
saveImage :: (TokenableTo Image a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM ()
saveImage a b = runFunctionIO' SaveImage =<< toTupleToken a b
saveImage a b = runFunctionIO_ SaveImage =<< toTupleToken a b
saveTextFile :: (TokenableTo Text a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM ()
saveTextFile :: (TokenableTo Text a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM ()
saveTextFile a b = runFunctionIO' SaveTextFile =<< toTupleToken a b
saveTextFile a b = runFunctionIO_ SaveTextFile =<< toTupleToken a b
copyFile :: (TokenableTo FilePath a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM ()
copyFile :: (TokenableTo FilePath a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM ()
copyFile a b = runFunctionIO' CopyFile =<< toTupleToken a b
copyFile a b = runFunctionIO_ CopyFile =<< toTupleToken a b
copyFile' :: Token (FilePath, FilePath) -> DepGenM ()
copyFile' :: Token (FilePath, FilePath) -> DepGenM ()
copyFile' = runFunctionIO' CopyFile
copyFile' = runFunctionIO_ CopyFile
makeDir :: TokenableTo FilePath a => a -> DepGenM ()
makeDir :: TokenableTo FilePath a => a -> DepGenM ()
makeDir a = runFunctionIO' MakeDir =<< toToken a
makeDir a = runFunctionIO_ MakeDir =<< toToken a
hasExtension :: (TokenableTo [String] a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM' Bool
hasExtension :: (TokenableTo [String] a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM' Bool
@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ module DependencyRunner
, runDepRunMIO
, runDepRunMIO
) where
) where
import Types (Value(..), fromValue)
import Types (Value(..), fromValue, evalFunctionIO)
import Types.Dependency
import Types.Dependency
import Evaluation.Function
import Evaluation.Function
import Evaluation.FunctionIO
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
module Evaluation.FunctionIO
( evalFunctionIO
, functionIOTouchesFilesystem
) where
import Prelude hiding (String, FilePath)
import Types.Values
import Types.FunctionIO
import Types.Value (Value(..), toValue, makeImage)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Codec.Picture as CP
import System.Directory (listDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, createDirectory, copyFile)
evalFunctionIO :: FunctionIO -> Value -> IO Value
evalFunctionIO f x = case (f, x) of
(ListDirectory, String (StringWrapper s)) ->
(List . map (toValue . StringWrapper)) <$> listDirectory s
(IsDirectory, String (StringWrapper s)) ->
Bool <$> doesDirectoryExist s
(ReadTextFile, String (StringWrapper s)) ->
Text <$> T.readFile s
(OpenImage, String (StringWrapper s)) -> do
imageOrig <- CP.readImage s
case imageOrig of
Left e -> error ("unexpected error: " ++ e)
Right image -> pure $ makeImage $ CP.convertRGB8 image
(SaveImage, Tuple (Image (ImageWrapper image), String (StringWrapper s))) -> do
CP.saveJpgImage 90 s $ CP.ImageRGB8 image
pure Empty
(SaveTextFile, Tuple (Text t, String (StringWrapper s))) -> do
T.writeFile s t
pure Empty
(CopyFile, Tuple (String (StringWrapper source), String (StringWrapper target))) -> do
copyFile source target
pure Empty
(MakeDir, String (StringWrapper s)) -> do
createDirectory s
pure Empty
_ ->
error ("unexpected combination of function and argument type; got function " ++ show f ++ " with argument " ++ show x)
functionIOTouchesFilesystem :: FunctionIO -> Bool
functionIOTouchesFilesystem = \case
ListDirectory -> False
IsDirectory -> False
ReadTextFile -> False
OpenImage -> False
SaveImage -> True
SaveTextFile -> True
CopyFile -> True
MakeDir -> True
@ -12,24 +12,26 @@ module Types.Dependency
import Types.Token (Token(..))
import Types.Token (Token(..))
import Types.Value (Value)
import Types.Value (Value)
import Types.Function (Function)
import Types.Function (Function)
import Types.FunctionIO (FunctionIO)
import Types.FunctionIO (IsFunctionIO(..))
import Evaluation.FunctionIO (functionIOTouchesFilesystem)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data Action = Function Function
data Action where
| FunctionIO FunctionIO
Function :: Function -> Action
| Inject Value
FunctionIO :: IsFunctionIO f => f -> Action
| FilterComp
Inject :: Value -> Action
| UntupleFst
FilterComp :: Action
| UntupleSnd
UntupleFst :: Action
| UnzipFst
UntupleSnd :: Action
| UnzipSnd
UnzipFst :: Action
| MapComp [Dependency] UToken UToken
UnzipSnd :: Action
deriving (Show, Lift)
MapComp :: [Dependency] -> UToken -> UToken -> Action
deriving instance Show Action
deriving instance Lift Action
data UToken = UToken Int
data UToken = UToken Int
| UTupleToken UToken UToken
| UTupleToken UToken UToken
@ -1,15 +1,94 @@
module Types.FunctionIO
module Types.FunctionIO
( FunctionIO(..)
( IsFunctionIO(..)
, ListDirectory(..)
, IsDirectory(..)
, ReadTextFile(..)
, OpenImage(..)
, SaveImage(..)
, SaveTextFile(..)
, CopyFile(..)
, MakeDir(..)
) where
) where
import Types.Values
import Types.Value (Value(..), toValue, makeImage)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Codec.Picture as CP
import System.Directory (listDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, createDirectory, copyFile)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data FunctionIO = ListDirectory
class (Show f, Lift f) => IsFunctionIO f where
| IsDirectory
evalFunctionIO :: f -> Value -> IO Value
| ReadTextFile
functionIOTouchesFilesystem :: f -> Bool
| OpenImage
| SaveImage
data ListDirectory = ListDirectory deriving (Show, Lift)
| SaveTextFile
instance IsFunctionIO ListDirectory where
| CopyFile
evalFunctionIO ListDirectory = \case
| MakeDir
String (StringWrapper s) ->
deriving (Show, Lift)
(List . map (toValue . StringWrapper)) <$> listDirectory s
_ -> error "unexpected"
functionIOTouchesFilesystem ListDirectory = False
data IsDirectory = IsDirectory deriving (Show, Lift)
instance IsFunctionIO IsDirectory where
evalFunctionIO IsDirectory = \case
String (StringWrapper s) ->
Bool <$> doesDirectoryExist s
_ -> error "unexpected"
functionIOTouchesFilesystem IsDirectory = False
data ReadTextFile = ReadTextFile deriving (Show, Lift)
instance IsFunctionIO ReadTextFile where
evalFunctionIO ReadTextFile = \case
String (StringWrapper s) ->
Text <$> T.readFile s
_ -> error "unexpected"
functionIOTouchesFilesystem ReadTextFile = False
data OpenImage = OpenImage deriving (Show, Lift)
instance IsFunctionIO OpenImage where
evalFunctionIO OpenImage = \case
String (StringWrapper s) -> do
imageOrig <- CP.readImage s
case imageOrig of
Left e -> error ("unexpected error: " ++ e)
Right image -> pure $ makeImage $ CP.convertRGB8 image
_ -> error "unexpected"
functionIOTouchesFilesystem OpenImage = False
data SaveImage = SaveImage deriving (Show, Lift)
instance IsFunctionIO SaveImage where
evalFunctionIO SaveImage = \case
Tuple (Image (ImageWrapper image), String (StringWrapper s)) -> do
CP.saveJpgImage 90 s $ CP.ImageRGB8 image
pure Empty
_ -> error "unexpected"
functionIOTouchesFilesystem SaveImage = True
data SaveTextFile = SaveTextFile deriving (Show, Lift)
instance IsFunctionIO SaveTextFile where
evalFunctionIO SaveTextFile = \case
Tuple (Text t, String (StringWrapper s)) -> do
T.writeFile s t
pure Empty
_ -> error "unexpected"
functionIOTouchesFilesystem SaveTextFile = True
data CopyFile = CopyFile deriving (Show, Lift)
instance IsFunctionIO CopyFile where
evalFunctionIO CopyFile = \case
Tuple (String (StringWrapper source), String (StringWrapper target)) -> do
copyFile source target
pure Empty
_ -> error "unexpected"
functionIOTouchesFilesystem CopyFile = True
data MakeDir = MakeDir deriving (Show, Lift)
instance IsFunctionIO MakeDir where
evalFunctionIO MakeDir = \case
String (StringWrapper s) -> do
createDirectory s
pure Empty
_ -> error "unexpected"
functionIOTouchesFilesystem MakeDir = True
Reference in New Issue