Clean up and move things around
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,14 +17,17 @@ library
import: common
hs-source-dirs: src
, mtl
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
module ComputationM
( ComputationM
, evalComputationM
, inject
-- , inject'
, mapComputationM
, mapComputationM_
, filterComputationM
, runFunction
, runFunctionIO
) where
import Types
import Dependency
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
newtype ComputationM' a = ComputationM { unComputationM :: WriterT [DependencyUntyped] (State Int) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState Int, MonadWriter [DependencyUntyped])
type ComputationM a = ComputationM' (Token a)
evalComputationM' :: Int -> ComputationM () -> ([DependencyUntyped], Int)
evalComputationM' top m = runState (execWriterT (unComputationM m)) top
evalComputationM :: ComputationM () -> [DependencyUntyped]
evalComputationM m = fst (evalComputationM' 0 m)
tellDep :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b) => Dependency a b -> ComputationM' ()
tellDep dep = tell [makeUntyped dep]
genDependency' :: (Show u, Show a, Lift u, Lift a) => (Token a -> ComputationM' (Dependency u a)) -> ComputationM a
genDependency' f = do
top <- get
let top' = top + 1
target = Token top'
put top'
result <- f target
tellDep result
pure target
genDependency :: (Show u, Show a, Lift u, Lift a) => (Token a -> Dependency u a) -> ComputationM a
genDependency f = genDependency' (pure . f)
-- inject :: (Show a, Lift a) => a -> ComputationM a
-- inject x = genDependency (Dependency NoToken (Inject x))
inject :: (Show a, Lift a, Valuable a) => a -> ComputationM a
inject x = genDependency (Dependency NoToken (Inject (toValue x)))
-- inject' :: ImageConversionSettings -> ComputationM ImageConversionSettings
-- -- inject' x = genDependency (Dependency NoToken (InjectImageConversionSettings x))
-- inject' x = genDependency (Dependency NoToken (Inject WImageConversionSettings x))
getListElem :: (Show a, Lift a) => Token [a] -> ComputationM a
getListElem outer = genDependency (Dependency outer GetListElem)
setListElem :: (Show a, Lift a) => Token a -> Token [a] -> ComputationM ()
setListElem a outer = do
tellDep (Dependency a SetListElem outer)
pure NoToken
-- runFunction :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b, IsFunction f a b) => f -> Token a -> ComputationM b
-- runFunction f input = genDependency (Dependency input (Function f))
-- runFunctionIO :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b, IsFunctionIO f a b) => f -> Token a -> ComputationM b
-- runFunctionIO f input = genDependency (Dependency input (FunctionIO f))
runFunction :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b) => Function -> Token a -> ComputationM b
runFunction f input = genDependency (Dependency input (Function f))
runFunctionIO :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b) => FunctionIO -> Token a -> ComputationM b
runFunctionIO f input = genDependency (Dependency input (FunctionIO f))
mapComputationM :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b) => (Token a -> ComputationM b) -> Token [a] -> ComputationM [b]
mapComputationM f input = genDependency' $ \target -> do
top <- get
let (res, top') = evalComputationM' top $ do
inp <- getListElem input
outp <- f inp
setListElem outp target
put top'
pure (Dependency input (MapComp res) target)
mapComputationM_ :: (Show a, Lift a) => (Token a -> ComputationM ()) -> Token [a] -> ComputationM ()
mapComputationM_ f input = do
_ <- mapComputationM f input
pure NoToken
filterComputationM :: (Show a, Lift a) => (Token a -> ComputationM Bool) -> Token [a] -> ComputationM [a]
filterComputationM f input = do
conds <- mapComputationM f input
genDependency (Dependency (TupleToken input conds) FilterComp)
@ -1,112 +1,42 @@
module Dependency
( TypedRun(..)
( Action(..)
, UToken(..)
, Dependency(..)
, Token(..)
, DependencyUntyped
, makeUntyped
, tupleTokens
, zipTokens
, makeDependency
) where
import Types
import Types.Token (Token(..))
import Types.Value (Value)
import Types.Function (Function)
import Types.FunctionIO (FunctionIO)
-- import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
-- data TypedRun a b where
-- Function :: IsFunctionId f => f -> TypedRun a b
-- FunctionIO :: IsFunctionIOId f => f -> TypedRun a b
-- Function :: IsFunction f a b => f -> TypedRun a b
-- FunctionIO :: IsFunctionIO f a b => f -> TypedRun a b
-- Inject :: Lift b => b -> TypedRun () b
-- GetListElem :: TypedRun [b] b
-- SetListElem :: TypedRun a [a]
-- MapComp :: [DependencyUntyped] -> TypedRun [a] [b]
-- FilterComp :: TypedRun ([a], [Bool]) [a]
-- deriving instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (TypedRun a b)
-- deriving instance (Lift a, Lift b) => Lift (TypedRun a b)
-- data TypedRun where
-- -- Function :: IsFunctionId f => f -> TypedRun
-- -- FunctionIO :: IsFunctionIOId f => f -> TypedRun
-- Function :: Function -> TypedRun
-- FunctionIO :: FunctionIO -> TypedRun
-- -- Inject :: (Show b, Lift b) => b -> TypedRun
-- -- InjectString :: String -> TypedRun
-- -- InjectImageConversionSettings :: ImageConversionSettings -> TypedRun
-- -- Inject :: (Show a, Lift a, Witness w a) => w -> a -> TypedRun
-- Inject :: Value -> TypedRun
-- GetListElem :: TypedRun
-- SetListElem :: TypedRun
-- MapComp :: [DependencyUntyped] -> TypedRun
-- FilterComp :: TypedRun
-- deriving instance Show TypedRun
-- deriving instance Lift TypedRun
data TypedRun = Function Function
| FunctionIO FunctionIO
| Inject Value
| GetListElem
| SetListElem
| MapComp [DependencyUntyped]
| FilterComp
data Action = Function Function
| FunctionIO FunctionIO
| Inject Value
| MapComp [Dependency]
| FilterComp
| GetListElem
| SetListElem
deriving (Show, Lift)
data Token a where
Token :: Int -> Token a
TupleToken :: Token a -> Token b -> Token (a, b)
ZipToken :: Token [a] -> Token [b] -> Token [(a, b)]
NoToken :: Token ()
deriving instance Show (Token a)
deriving instance Lift (Token a)
tupleTokens :: (Show a, Show b) => Token a -> Token b -> Token (a, b)
tupleTokens = TupleToken
zipTokens :: (Show a, Show b) => Token [a] -> Token [b] -> Token [(a, b)]
zipTokens = ZipToken
-- data Dependency a b = Dependency (Token a) (TypedRun a b) (Token b)
-- deriving (Show)
data Dependency a b = Dependency (Token a) TypedRun (Token b)
deriving (Show)
deriving instance (Lift a, Lift b) => Lift (Dependency a b)
-- type DependencyUntyped = Dependency () ()
-- makeUntyped :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b) => Dependency a b -> DependencyUntyped
-- makeUntyped dep = unsafeCoerce dep
data TokenUntyped = UToken Int
| UTupleToken TokenUntyped TokenUntyped
| UZipToken TokenUntyped TokenUntyped
| UNoToken
data UToken = UToken Int
| UTupleToken UToken UToken
| UZipToken UToken UToken
| UNoToken
deriving (Show, Lift)
makeUntypedToken :: Token a -> TokenUntyped
makeUntypedToken = \case
data Dependency = Dependency UToken Action UToken
deriving (Show, Lift)
makeDependency :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b) => Token a -> Action -> Token b -> Dependency
makeDependency a action b = Dependency (makeUToken a) action (makeUToken b)
makeUToken :: Token a -> UToken
makeUToken = \case
Token i -> UToken i
TupleToken a b -> UTupleToken (makeUntypedToken a) (makeUntypedToken b)
ZipToken a b -> UZipToken (makeUntypedToken a) (makeUntypedToken b)
TupleToken a b -> UTupleToken (makeUToken a) (makeUToken b)
ZipToken a b -> UZipToken (makeUToken a) (makeUToken b)
NoToken -> UNoToken
-- data DependencyUntyped where
-- DependencyUntyped :: TokenUntyped -> TypedRun -> TokenUntyped -> String -> DependencyUntyped
data DependencyUntyped = DependencyUntyped TokenUntyped TypedRun TokenUntyped
deriving (Show, Lift)
-- instance Show DependencyUntyped-- where
-- -- show (DependencyUntyped _ _ _ s) = s
-- instance Lift DependencyUntyped
makeUntyped :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b) => Dependency a b -> DependencyUntyped
makeUntyped (Dependency ta tr tb) =
DependencyUntyped (makeUntypedToken ta) tr (makeUntypedToken tb)
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
module DependencyGenerator
( DepGenM
, evalDepGenM
, inject
, runFunction
, runFunctionIO
, mapDepGenM
, mapDepGenM_
, filterDepGenM
, isImageFilename
, convertedImageFilename
, listDirectory
, readTemplate
, convertImage
, saveFile
, runPandoc
) where
import Types.Token (Token(..))
import Types.Values
import Types.Value (Valuable(..))
import Types.Function (Function(..))
import Types.FunctionIO (FunctionIO(..))
import Dependency (Action(..), Dependency, makeDependency)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, State, runState, put, get)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter, WriterT, execWriterT, tell)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
newtype DepGenM' a = DepGenM { unDepGenM :: WriterT [Dependency] (State Int) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState Int, MonadWriter [Dependency])
type DepGenM a = DepGenM' (Token a)
evalDepGenM' :: Int -> DepGenM () -> ([Dependency], Int)
evalDepGenM' top m = runState (execWriterT (unDepGenM m)) top
evalDepGenM :: DepGenM () -> [Dependency]
evalDepGenM m = fst (evalDepGenM' 0 m)
tellDep :: Dependency -> DepGenM' ()
tellDep dep = tell [dep]
genDependencyM :: (Show a, Lift a) => (Token a -> DepGenM' Dependency) -> DepGenM a
genDependencyM f = do
top <- get
let top' = top + 1
target = Token top'
put top'
result <- f target
tellDep result
pure target
genDependency :: (Show a, Lift a) => (Token a -> Dependency) -> DepGenM a
genDependency f = genDependencyM (pure . f)
inject :: (Show a, Lift a, Valuable a) => a -> DepGenM a
inject x = genDependency (makeDependency NoToken (Inject (toValue x)))
getListElem :: (Show a, Lift a) => Token [a] -> DepGenM a
getListElem outer = genDependency (makeDependency outer GetListElem)
setListElem :: (Show a, Lift a) => Token a -> Token [a] -> DepGenM ()
setListElem a outer = do
tellDep (makeDependency a SetListElem outer)
pure NoToken
runFunction :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b) => Function -> Token a -> DepGenM b
runFunction f input = genDependency (makeDependency input (Function f))
runFunctionIO :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b) => FunctionIO -> Token a -> DepGenM b
runFunctionIO f input = genDependency (makeDependency input (FunctionIO f))
mapDepGenM :: (Show a, Show b, Lift a, Lift b) => (Token a -> DepGenM b) -> Token [a] -> DepGenM [b]
mapDepGenM f input = genDependencyM $ \target -> do
top <- get
let (res, top') = evalDepGenM' top $ do
inp <- getListElem input
outp <- f inp
setListElem outp target
put top'
pure (makeDependency input (MapComp res) target)
mapDepGenM_ :: (Show a, Lift a) => (Token a -> DepGenM ()) -> Token [a] -> DepGenM ()
mapDepGenM_ f input = do
_ <- mapDepGenM f input
pure NoToken
filterDepGenM :: (Show a, Lift a) => (Token a -> DepGenM Bool) -> Token [a] -> DepGenM [a]
filterDepGenM f input = do
conds <- mapDepGenM f input
genDependency (makeDependency (TupleToken input conds) FilterComp)
isImageFilename :: Token FilePath -> DepGenM Bool
isImageFilename = runFunction IsImageFilename
convertedImageFilename :: Token FilePath -> DepGenM FilePath
convertedImageFilename = runFunction ConvertedImageFilename
listDirectory :: Token FilePath -> DepGenM [FilePath]
listDirectory = runFunctionIO ListDirectory
readTemplate :: Token FilePath -> DepGenM Template
readTemplate = runFunctionIO ReadTemplate
convertImage :: Token ((FilePath, FilePath), ImageConversionSettings) -> DepGenM ()
convertImage = runFunctionIO ConvertImage
saveFile :: Token (String, FilePath) -> DepGenM ()
saveFile = runFunctionIO SaveFile
runPandoc :: Token String -> DepGenM String
runPandoc = runFunctionIO RunPandoc
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module Evaluation.Function
( evalFunction
) where
import Types (Function(..))
evalFunction :: Function -> a -> b
evalFunction = undefined
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module Evaluation.FunctionIO
( evalFunctionIO
) where
import Types (FunctionIO(..))
evalFunctionIO :: FunctionIO -> a -> b
evalFunctionIO = undefined
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
module FunctionImplementations.IO
( -- ListDirectory(..)
-- , ReadTemplate(..)
-- , ConvertImage(..)
-- , SaveFile(..)
-- , RunPandoc(..)
) where
import Sources()
import Types
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-- data ListDirectory = ListDirectory deriving (Show, Lift)
-- instance IsFunctionIOId ListDirectory
-- instance IsFunctionIO ListDirectory FilePath [FilePath] where
-- runFIO ListDirectory _path = undefined
-- data ReadTemplate = ReadTemplate deriving (Show, Lift)
-- instance IsFunctionIOId ReadTemplate
-- instance IsFunctionIO ReadTemplate FilePath Template where
-- runFIO ReadTemplate _path = undefined
-- data ConvertImage = ConvertImage deriving (Show, Lift)
-- instance IsFunctionIOId ConvertImage
-- instance IsFunctionIO ConvertImage ((FilePath, FilePath), ImageConversionSettings) () where
-- runFIO ConvertImage ((_, _), ResizeToWidth _) = undefined
-- data SaveFile = SaveFile deriving (Show, Lift)
-- instance IsFunctionIOId SaveFile
-- instance IsFunctionIO SaveFile (String, FilePath) () where
-- runFIO SaveFile _source = undefined
-- data RunPandoc = RunPandoc deriving (Show, Lift)
-- instance IsFunctionIOId RunPandoc
-- instance IsFunctionIO RunPandoc String String where
-- runFIO RunPandoc _source = undefined
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
module FunctionImplementations.Pure
( -- IsImageFilename(..)
-- , ConvertedImageFilename(..)
) where
import Sources()
import Types
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-- data IsImageFilename = IsImageFilename deriving (Show, Lift)
-- instance IsFunctionId IsImageFilename
-- instance IsFunction IsImageFilename FilePath Bool where
-- runF IsImageFilename _path = undefined
-- data ConvertedImageFilename = ConvertedImageFilename deriving (Show, Lift)
-- instance IsFunctionId ConvertedImageFilename
-- instance IsFunction ConvertedImageFilename FilePath FilePath where
-- runF ConvertedImageFilename _path = undefined
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
module Functions
( isImageFilename
, convertedImageFilename
, listDirectory
, readTemplate
, convertImage
, saveFile
, runPandoc
) where
import FunctionImplementations.Pure
import FunctionImplementations.IO
import ComputationM
import Types
import Dependency
isImageFilename :: Token FilePath -> ComputationM Bool
isImageFilename = runFunction IsImageFilename
convertedImageFilename :: Token FilePath -> ComputationM FilePath
convertedImageFilename = runFunction ConvertedImageFilename
listDirectory :: Token FilePath -> ComputationM [FilePath]
listDirectory = runFunctionIO ListDirectory
readTemplate :: Token FilePath -> ComputationM Template
readTemplate = runFunctionIO ReadTemplate
convertImage :: Token ((FilePath, FilePath), ImageConversionSettings) -> ComputationM ()
convertImage = runFunctionIO ConvertImage
saveFile :: Token (String, FilePath) -> ComputationM ()
saveFile = runFunctionIO SaveFile
runPandoc :: Token String -> ComputationM String
runPandoc = runFunctionIO RunPandoc
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
module Generator (generate) where
import Types
import Dependency
import ComputationM
import Functions
handleRecipeDir :: Token Template -> Token FilePath -> ComputationM ()
handleRecipeDir _template dir = do
dirContents <- listDirectory dir
imageFilenames <- filterComputationM isImageFilename dirContents
convertedImageFilenames <- mapComputationM convertedImageFilename imageFilenames
flip mapComputationM_ (zipTokens imageFilenames convertedImageFilenames) $ \files -> do
settings <- inject $ ResizeToWidth 800
convertImage $ tupleTokens files settings
generate :: ComputationM ()
generate = do
templateFilename <- inject "template.html"
template <- readTemplate templateFilename
dir <- inject "retter"
dirContents <- listDirectory dir
mapComputationM_ (handleRecipeDir template) dirContents
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Dependency
import ComputationM
import Generator
import Types (Dependency)
import DependencyGenerator (evalDepGenM)
import SiteGenerator (generateSite)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift)
dependencies :: [DependencyUntyped]
dependencies = $(lift (evalComputationM generate))
dependencies :: [Dependency]
dependencies = $(lift (evalDepGenM generateSite))
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ print dependencies
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module SiteGenerator (generateSite) where
import Types
import DependencyGenerator
handleRecipeDir :: Token Template -> Token FilePath -> DepGenM ()
handleRecipeDir _template dir = do
dirContents <- listDirectory dir
imageFilenames <- filterDepGenM isImageFilename dirContents
convertedImageFilenames <- mapDepGenM convertedImageFilename imageFilenames
flip mapDepGenM_ (ZipToken imageFilenames convertedImageFilenames) $ \files -> do
settings <- inject $ ResizeToWidth 800
convertImage $ TupleToken files settings
generateSite :: DepGenM ()
generateSite = do
templateFilename <- inject "template.html"
template <- readTemplate templateFilename
dir <- inject "retter"
dirContents <- listDirectory dir
mapDepGenM_ (handleRecipeDir template) dirContents
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Sources where
-- TODO: Figure out if any of this is useful.
import Types
-- data Source a where
-- Data :: a -> Source a
-- instance SourceState FilePath where
-- stateOfSource = undefined
-- instance SourceState ((FilePath, FilePath), ImageConversionSettings) where
-- stateOfSource = undefined
-- instance SourceState (String, FilePath) where
-- stateOfSource = undefined
@ -1,58 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
module Types where
module Types
( module Types.Token
, module Types.Values
, module Types.Value
, module Types.Function
, module Types.FunctionIO
, Dependency
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
data ImageConversionSettings = ResizeToWidth Int
deriving (Show, Lift)
data TemplatePart = Literal String
| KeyValue String
deriving (Show, Lift)
data Template = Template [TemplatePart]
deriving (Show, Lift)
-- class (Show f, Lift f) => IsFunctionId f
-- class (IsFunctionId f, SourceState a) => IsFunction f a b | f -> a b where
-- runF :: f -> a -> b
-- class (Show f, Lift f) => IsFunctionIOId f
-- class (IsFunctionIOId f, SourceState a) => IsFunctionIO f a b | f -> a b where
-- runFIO :: f -> a -> IO b
-- class SourceState a where
-- stateOfSource :: a -> IO ByteString
data Function = IsImageFilename
| ConvertedImageFilename
deriving (Show, Lift)
data FunctionIO = ListDirectory
| ReadTemplate
| ConvertImage
| SaveFile
| RunPandoc
deriving (Show, Lift)
-- class (Show w, Lift w) => Witness w a | w -> a where
-- data WImageConversionSettings = WImageConversionSettings deriving (Show, Lift)
-- instance Witness WImageConversionSettings ImageConversionSettings
data Value = ImageConversionSettings ImageConversionSettings
| String String
deriving (Show, Lift)
class Valuable a where
toValue :: a -> Value
instance Valuable ImageConversionSettings where
toValue = ImageConversionSettings
instance Valuable String where
toValue = String
import Types.Token
import Types.Values
import Types.Value
import Types.Function
import Types.FunctionIO
import Dependency
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module Types.Function
( Function(..)
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data Function = IsImageFilename
| ConvertedImageFilename
deriving (Show, Lift)
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Types.FunctionIO
( FunctionIO(..)
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data FunctionIO = ListDirectory
| ReadTemplate
| ConvertImage
| SaveFile
| RunPandoc
deriving (Show, Lift)
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module Types.Token
( Token(..)
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data Token a where
Token :: Int -> Token a
TupleToken :: Token a -> Token b -> Token (a, b)
ZipToken :: Token [a] -> Token [b] -> Token [(a, b)]
NoToken :: Token ()
deriving instance Show (Token a)
deriving instance Lift (Token a)
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module Types.Value
( Value(..)
, Valuable(..)
) where
import Types.Values
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data Value = String String
| ImageConversionSettings ImageConversionSettings
deriving (Show, Lift)
class Valuable a where
toValue :: a -> Value
instance Valuable String where
toValue = String
instance Valuable ImageConversionSettings where
toValue = ImageConversionSettings
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module Types.Values
( ImageConversionSettings(..)
, TemplatePart(..)
, Template(..)
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data ImageConversionSettings = ResizeToWidth Int
deriving (Show, Lift)
data TemplatePart = Literal String
| KeyValue String
deriving (Show, Lift)
data Template = Template [TemplatePart]
deriving (Show, Lift)
Reference in New Issue