Curry more

This commit is contained in:
Niels G. W. Serup 2024-09-26 23:40:26 +02:00
parent 831ab700b9
commit b60336cf9f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 38EEEBCE67324F19
2 changed files with 68 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module DependencyGenerator
, mapDepGenM
, mapDepGenM_
, filterDepGenM
, zipDepGenM
, untupleFstDepGenM
, untupleSndDepGenM
, untupleDepGenM
@ -92,24 +93,34 @@ runFunctionIO f input = genDependency (makeDependency input (FunctionIO f))
runFunctionIO' :: FunctionIO -> Token a -> DepGenM ()
runFunctionIO' f input = tellDep $ makeDependency input (FunctionIO f) NoToken
mapDepGenM :: (Token a -> DepGenM' b) -> Token [a] -> DepGenM' [b]
mapDepGenM f input = genDependencyM $ \target -> do
mapDepGenM :: TokenableTo [a] v => (Token a -> DepGenM' b) -> v -> DepGenM' [b]
mapDepGenM f input = do
input' <- toToken input
genDependencyM $ \target -> do
top <- get
let (res, top') = evalDepGenM' top $ do
inp <- getListElem input
inp <- getListElem input'
outp <- f inp
setListElem outp target
put top'
pure (makeDependency input (MapComp res) target)
pure (makeDependency input' (MapComp res) target)
mapDepGenM_ :: (Token a -> DepGenM ()) -> Token [a] -> DepGenM ()
mapDepGenM_ :: TokenableTo [a] v => (Token a -> DepGenM ()) -> v -> DepGenM ()
mapDepGenM_ f input = do
_ <- mapDepGenM (\x -> f x >> pure NoToken) input
pure ()
filterDepGenM :: Token [Bool] -> Token [a] -> DepGenM' [a]
filterDepGenM :: (TokenableTo [Bool] v, TokenableTo [a] u) => v -> u -> DepGenM' [a]
filterDepGenM mask input = do
genDependency (makeDependency (TupleToken (input, mask)) FilterComp)
mask' <- toToken mask
input' <- toToken input
genDependency (makeDependency (TupleToken (input', mask')) FilterComp)
zipDepGenM :: (TokenableTo [a] v, TokenableTo [b] u) => v -> u -> DepGenM' [(a, b)]
zipDepGenM a b = do
a' <- toToken a
b' <- toToken b
pure $ ZipToken (a', b')
untupleFstDepGenM :: TokenableTo (a, b) t => t -> DepGenM (Token a)
untupleFstDepGenM t = do
@ -162,8 +173,8 @@ instance TokenableTo a (Token a) where
instance TokenableTo a (DepGenM' a) where
toToken = id
appendStrings :: (TokenableTo String a, TokenableTo String b) => (a, b) -> DepGenM' String
appendStrings (a, b) = do
appendStrings :: (TokenableTo String a, TokenableTo String b) => a -> b -> DepGenM' String
appendStrings a b = do
a' <- toToken a
b' <- toToken b
runFunction AppendStrings $ TupleToken (a', b')
@ -171,8 +182,8 @@ appendStrings (a, b) = do
concatStrings :: TokenableTo [String] a => a -> DepGenM' String
concatStrings a = runFunction ConcatStrings =<< toToken a
appendTexts :: (TokenableTo Text a, TokenableTo Text b) => (a, b) -> DepGenM' Text
appendTexts (a, b) = do
appendTexts :: (TokenableTo Text a, TokenableTo Text b) => a -> b -> DepGenM' Text
appendTexts a b = do
a' <- toToken a
b' <- toToken b
runFunction AppendTexts $ TupleToken (a', b')
@ -180,8 +191,8 @@ appendTexts (a, b) = do
concatTexts :: TokenableTo [Text] a => a -> DepGenM' Text
concatTexts a = runFunction ConcatTexts =<< toToken a
joinPaths :: (TokenableTo FilePath a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => (a, b) -> DepGenM' FilePath
joinPaths (a, b) = do
joinPaths :: (TokenableTo FilePath a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM' FilePath
joinPaths a b = do
a' <- toToken a
b' <- toToken b
runFunction JoinPaths $ TupleToken (a', b')
@ -192,8 +203,8 @@ fileComponents a = runFunction FileComponents =<< toToken a
isImageExtension :: TokenableTo FilePath a => a -> DepGenM' Bool
isImageExtension a = runFunction IsImageExtension =<< toToken a
applyTemplate :: (TokenableTo Template a, TokenableTo Text b) => (a, b) -> DepGenM' Text
applyTemplate (a, b) = do
applyTemplate :: (TokenableTo Template a, TokenableTo Text b) => a -> b -> DepGenM' Text
applyTemplate a b = do
a' <- toToken a
b' <- toToken b
runFunction ApplyTemplate $ TupleToken (a', b')
@ -207,20 +218,20 @@ listDirectory a = runFunctionIO ListDirectory =<< toToken a
readTemplate :: TokenableTo FilePath a => a -> DepGenM' Template
readTemplate a = runFunctionIO ReadTemplate =<< toToken a
convertImage :: (TokenableTo (FilePath, FilePath) a, TokenableTo ImageConversionSettings b) => (a, b) -> DepGenM ()
convertImage (a, b) = do
convertImage :: (TokenableTo (FilePath, FilePath) a, TokenableTo ImageConversionSettings b) => a -> b -> DepGenM ()
convertImage a b = do
a' <- toToken a
b' <- toToken b
runFunctionIO' ConvertImage $ TupleToken (a', b')
saveFile :: (TokenableTo Text a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => (a, b) -> DepGenM ()
saveFile (a, b) = do
saveFile :: (TokenableTo Text a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM ()
saveFile a b = do
a' <- toToken a
b' <- toToken b
runFunctionIO' SaveFile $ TupleToken (a', b')
copyFile :: (TokenableTo FilePath a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => (a, b) -> DepGenM ()
copyFile (a, b) = do
copyFile :: (TokenableTo FilePath a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM ()
copyFile a b = do
a' <- toToken a
b' <- toToken b
runFunctionIO' CopyFile $ TupleToken (a', b')

View File

@ -8,58 +8,58 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
thumbnailImageFilename :: Token FilePath -> DepGenM' FilePath
thumbnailImageFilename filename = do
(base, ext) <- untupleDepGenM (fileComponents filename)
appendStrings (appendStrings (base, inject "-thumbnail."), ext)
(base, ext) <- untupleDepGenM $ fileComponents filename
appendStrings base
$ appendStrings (inject "-thumbnail.") ext
makeImageHTML :: Token (FilePath, FilePath) -> DepGenM' Text
makeImageHTML t = do
(thumbnail, actual) <- untupleDepGenM t
appendTexts (
inject "<p><a href=\"",
appendTexts (
toText actual,
appendTexts (
inject "\"><img src=\"",
appendTexts (
toText thumbnail,
inject "\"></a></p>"))))
(inject "<p><a href=\"")
(toText actual)
(inject "\"><img src=\"")
(toText thumbnail)
(inject "\"></a></p>"))))
handleRecipeDir :: Token FilePath -> Token Template -> Token FilePath -> Token FilePath -> DepGenM ()
handleRecipeDir outputDir template indexName dir = do
recipeDirOut <- joinPaths (outputDir, dir)
recipeDirOut <- joinPaths outputDir dir
makeDir recipeDirOut
dirContents <- listDirectory dir
exts <- unzipSndDepGenM (mapDepGenM fileComponents dirContents)
areImageFilenames <- mapDepGenM isImageExtension exts
areImageFilenames <- mapDepGenM isImageExtension
$ unzipSndDepGenM $ mapDepGenM fileComponents dirContents
imageFilenames <- filterDepGenM areImageFilenames dirContents
imagePaths <- mapDepGenM (curry joinPaths dir) imageFilenames
imagePathsOut <- mapDepGenM (curry joinPaths recipeDirOut) imageFilenames
mapDepGenM_ copyFile' (ZipToken (imagePaths, imagePathsOut))
imagePaths <- mapDepGenM (joinPaths dir) imageFilenames
imagePathsOut <- mapDepGenM (joinPaths recipeDirOut) imageFilenames
mapDepGenM_ copyFile' $ zipDepGenM imagePaths imagePathsOut
thumbnailImageFilenames <- mapDepGenM thumbnailImageFilename imageFilenames
thumbnailImagePaths <- mapDepGenM (curry joinPaths recipeDirOut) thumbnailImageFilenames
thumbnailImagePaths <- mapDepGenM (joinPaths recipeDirOut) thumbnailImageFilenames
(\files -> convertImage (files, inject $ ResizeToWidth 800))
(ZipToken (imagePaths, thumbnailImagePaths))
htmlBodyBase <- runPandoc (joinPaths (dir, inject ""))
htmlBodyImages <- mapDepGenM makeImageHTML (ZipToken (thumbnailImageFilenames, imageFilenames))
(\files -> convertImage files $ inject $ ResizeToWidth 800)
(zipDepGenM imagePaths thumbnailImagePaths)
htmlBodyBase <- runPandoc $ joinPaths dir $ inject ""
htmlBodyImages <- mapDepGenM makeImageHTML $ zipDepGenM thumbnailImageFilenames imageFilenames
imagesHtml <- concatTexts htmlBodyImages
htmlBody <- appendTexts (htmlBodyBase, imagesHtml)
html <- applyTemplate (template, htmlBody)
saveFile (html, joinPaths (recipeDirOut, indexName))
htmlBody <- appendTexts htmlBodyBase imagesHtml
html <- applyTemplate template htmlBody
saveFile html $ joinPaths recipeDirOut indexName
generateSite :: DepGenM ()
generateSite = do
outputDir <- inject "site"
makeDir outputDir
recipesDir <- inject "retter"
outputRecipesDir <- joinPaths (outputDir, recipesDir)
outputRecipesDir <- joinPaths outputDir recipesDir
makeDir outputRecipesDir
template <- readTemplate (inject "template.html")
template <- readTemplate $ inject "template.html"
indexName <- inject "index.html"
dirContents <- listDirectory recipesDir
mapDepGenM_ (handleRecipeDir outputRecipesDir template indexName) dirContents
htmlBody <- runPandoc (inject "")
html <- applyTemplate (template, htmlBody)
aboutDir <- joinPaths (outputDir, inject "om")
html <- applyTemplate template $ runPandoc $ inject ""
aboutDir <- joinPaths outputDir $ inject "om"
makeDir aboutDir
saveFile (html, joinPaths (aboutDir, indexName))
saveFile html $ joinPaths aboutDir indexName