Migrate *ListElem functionality into just MapComp
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ import Types.Values
import Types.Value (Valuable(..))
import Types.Function (Function(..))
import Types.FunctionIO (FunctionIO(..))
import Types.Dependency (Action(..), Dependency, makeDependency)
import Types.Dependency (Action(..), Dependency, makeDependency, makeUToken)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, State, runState, put, get)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter, WriterT, execWriterT, tell)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter, WriterT, runWriterT, tell)
import Data.Text (Text)
newtype DepGenM a = DepGenM { unDepGenM :: WriterT [Dependency] (State Int) a }
@ -52,21 +52,26 @@ newtype DepGenM a = DepGenM { unDepGenM :: WriterT [Dependency] (State Int) a }
type DepGenM' a = DepGenM (Token a)
evalDepGenM' :: Int -> DepGenM () -> ([Dependency], Int)
evalDepGenM' top m = runState (execWriterT (unDepGenM m)) top
runDepGenM :: Int -> DepGenM a -> ((a, [Dependency]), Int)
runDepGenM top m = runState (runWriterT (unDepGenM m)) top
evalDepGenM :: DepGenM () -> [Dependency]
evalDepGenM m = fst (evalDepGenM' 0 m)
evalDepGenM = snd . fst . runDepGenM 0
tellDep :: Dependency -> DepGenM ()
tellDep dep = tell [dep]
genDependencyM :: (Token a -> DepGenM Dependency) -> DepGenM' a
genDependencyM f = do
newToken :: DepGenM' a
newToken = do
top <- get
let top' = top + 1
target = Token top'
put top'
pure target
genDependencyM :: (Token a -> DepGenM Dependency) -> DepGenM' a
genDependencyM f = do
target <- newToken
result <- f target
tellDep result
pure target
@ -77,13 +82,6 @@ genDependency f = genDependencyM (pure . f)
inject :: Valuable a => a -> DepGenM' a
inject x = genDependency (makeDependency NoToken (Inject (toValue x)))
getListElem :: Token [a] -> DepGenM' a
getListElem outer = genDependency (makeDependency outer GetListElem)
setListElem :: Token a -> Token [a] -> DepGenM ()
setListElem a outer = do
tellDep (makeDependency a SetListElem outer)
runFunction :: Function -> Token a -> DepGenM' b
runFunction f input = genDependency (makeDependency input (Function f))
@ -98,12 +96,12 @@ mapDepGenM f input = do
input' <- toToken input
genDependencyM $ \target -> do
top <- get
let (res, top') = evalDepGenM' top $ do
inp <- getListElem input'
let (((innerInp, innerOutp), subDeps), top') = runDepGenM top $ do
inp <- newToken
outp <- f inp
setListElem outp target
pure (inp, outp)
put top'
pure (makeDependency input' (MapComp res) target)
pure (makeDependency input' (MapComp subDeps (makeUToken innerInp) (makeUToken innerOutp)) target)
mapDepGenM_ :: TokenableTo [a] v => (Token a -> DepGenM ()) -> v -> DepGenM ()
mapDepGenM_ f input = do
@ -66,10 +66,6 @@ runAction action input = case action of
pure $ List $ map fst $ filter (fromValue . snd) $ zip vs mask
_ ->
error "unexpected"
GetListElem ->
SetListElem ->
UntupleFst ->
case input of
Tuple (v, _) ->
@ -94,5 +90,5 @@ runAction action input = case action of
List <$> mapM (runAction UntupleSnd) vs
_ ->
error "unexpected"
MapComp subDeps ->
MapComp subDeps innerInput innerOutput ->
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Types.Dependency
, UToken(..)
, Dependency(..)
, makeDependency
, makeUToken
, formatDependencyTrees
) where
@ -21,13 +22,11 @@ data Action = Function Function
| FunctionIO FunctionIO
| Inject Value
| FilterComp
| GetListElem
| SetListElem
| UntupleFst
| UntupleSnd
| UnzipFst
| UnzipSnd
| MapComp [Dependency]
| MapComp [Dependency] UToken UToken
deriving (Show, Lift)
data UToken = UToken Int
@ -83,8 +82,12 @@ formatDependencyTrees = T.concat . (formatDependencyTrees' "")
[ "--" ]
formatAction indentation = \case
MapComp subDeps ->
concat [ [ "MapComp:\n" ]
MapComp subDeps innerInput innerOutput ->
concat [ [ "MapComp(" ]
, formatUToken innerInput
, [ " -> " ]
, formatUToken innerOutput
, [ "):\n" ]
, formatDependencyTrees' (T.append indentation "| ") subDeps
action ->
Reference in New Issue