Don't lift types
Not needed since we only care about the final IO () result.
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,5 +51,4 @@ executable byg
base >=4.14 && <4.20
base >=4.14 && <4.20
, text
, text
, template-haskell
, byg
, byg
@ -29,10 +29,9 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Text.Pandoc as P
import qualified Text.Pandoc as P
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text as B
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text as B
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data ConcatStrings = ConcatStrings deriving (Show, Lift)
data ConcatStrings = ConcatStrings deriving Show
instance IsFunction ConcatStrings [String] String where
instance IsFunction ConcatStrings [String] String where
evalFunction ConcatStrings = StringWrapper . concatMap unStringWrapper
evalFunction ConcatStrings = StringWrapper . concatMap unStringWrapper
@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ concatStrings :: TokenableTo [String] a => a -> DepGenM (Token String)
concatStrings a = runFunction ConcatStrings =<< toToken a
concatStrings a = runFunction ConcatStrings =<< toToken a
data ConcatTexts = ConcatTexts deriving (Show, Lift)
data ConcatTexts = ConcatTexts deriving Show
instance IsFunction ConcatTexts [Text] Text where
instance IsFunction ConcatTexts [Text] Text where
evalFunction ConcatTexts = T.concat
evalFunction ConcatTexts = T.concat
@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ concatTexts :: TokenableTo [Text] a => a -> DepGenM (Token Text)
concatTexts a = runFunction ConcatTexts =<< toToken a
concatTexts a = runFunction ConcatTexts =<< toToken a
data JoinPaths = JoinPaths deriving (Show, Lift)
data JoinPaths = JoinPaths deriving Show
instance IsFunction JoinPaths (FilePath, FilePath) FilePath where
instance IsFunction JoinPaths (FilePath, FilePath) FilePath where
evalFunction JoinPaths (StringWrapper s0, StringWrapper s1) = StringWrapper (s0 ++ "/" ++ s1)
evalFunction JoinPaths (StringWrapper s0, StringWrapper s1) = StringWrapper (s0 ++ "/" ++ s1)
@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ joinPaths :: (TokenableTo FilePath a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGe
joinPaths a b = runFunction JoinPaths =<< TupleToken <$> toToken a <*> toToken b
joinPaths a b = runFunction JoinPaths =<< TupleToken <$> toToken a <*> toToken b
data FileComponents = FileComponents deriving (Show, Lift)
data FileComponents = FileComponents deriving Show
instance IsFunction FileComponents FilePath (String, String) where
instance IsFunction FileComponents FilePath (String, String) where
evalFunction FileComponents (StringWrapper s) =
evalFunction FileComponents (StringWrapper s) =
let (lastRev, firstRev) = span (/= '.') $ reverse s
let (lastRev, firstRev) = span (/= '.') $ reverse s
@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ fileComponents :: TokenableTo FilePath a => a -> DepGenM (Token (String, String)
fileComponents a = runFunction FileComponents =<< toToken a
fileComponents a = runFunction FileComponents =<< toToken a
data LowerString = LowerString deriving (Show, Lift)
data LowerString = LowerString deriving Show
instance IsFunction LowerString String String where
instance IsFunction LowerString String String where
evalFunction LowerString (StringWrapper s) = StringWrapper (map toLower s)
evalFunction LowerString (StringWrapper s) = StringWrapper (map toLower s)
@ -79,15 +78,14 @@ lowerString a = runFunction LowerString =<< toToken a
data ElemOf a where ElemOf :: WitnessFor w a => w -> ElemOf a
data ElemOf a where ElemOf :: WitnessFor w a => w -> ElemOf a
deriving instance Show (ElemOf a)
deriving instance Show (ElemOf a)
deriving instance Lift (ElemOf a)
instance (Show a, Valuable a, Eq a) => IsFunction (ElemOf a) (a, [a]) Bool where
instance (Show a, Lift a, Valuable a, Eq a) => IsFunction (ElemOf a) (a, [a]) Bool where
evalFunction (ElemOf _) (y, ys) = y `elem` ys
evalFunction (ElemOf _) (y, ys) = y `elem` ys
elemOf :: forall t w a b. (Show t, Lift t, Valuable t, Eq t, TokenableTo t a, TokenableTo [t] b, WitnessFor w t) => a -> b -> DepGenM (Token Bool)
elemOf :: forall t w a b. (Show t, Valuable t, Eq t, TokenableTo t a, TokenableTo [t] b, WitnessFor w t) => a -> b -> DepGenM (Token Bool)
elemOf a b = runFunction (ElemOf (witnessValue :: w)) =<< toTupleToken a b
elemOf a b = runFunction (ElemOf (witnessValue :: w)) =<< toTupleToken a b
data MakeTemplate = MakeTemplate deriving (Show, Lift)
data MakeTemplate = MakeTemplate deriving Show
instance IsFunction MakeTemplate (Text, Text) Template where
instance IsFunction MakeTemplate (Text, Text) Template where
evalFunction MakeTemplate (t, c) =
evalFunction MakeTemplate (t, c) =
let (beforeContent, after) = T.breakOn c t
let (beforeContent, after) = T.breakOn c t
@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ makeTemplate :: (TokenableTo Text a, TokenableTo Text b) => a -> b -> DepGenM (T
makeTemplate a b = runFunction MakeTemplate =<< toTupleToken a b
makeTemplate a b = runFunction MakeTemplate =<< toTupleToken a b
data ApplyTemplate = ApplyTemplate deriving (Show, Lift)
data ApplyTemplate = ApplyTemplate deriving Show
instance IsFunction ApplyTemplate (Template, Text) Text where
instance IsFunction ApplyTemplate (Template, Text) Text where
evalFunction ApplyTemplate (TemplateParts beforeContent afterContent, t) =
evalFunction ApplyTemplate (TemplateParts beforeContent afterContent, t) =
T.concat [beforeContent, t, afterContent]
T.concat [beforeContent, t, afterContent]
@ -107,7 +105,7 @@ applyTemplate :: (TokenableTo Template a, TokenableTo Text b) => a -> b -> DepGe
applyTemplate a b = runFunction ApplyTemplate =<< toTupleToken a b
applyTemplate a b = runFunction ApplyTemplate =<< toTupleToken a b
data ToText = ToText deriving (Show, Lift)
data ToText = ToText deriving Show
instance IsFunction ToText String Text where
instance IsFunction ToText String Text where
evalFunction ToText (StringWrapper s) = T.pack s
evalFunction ToText (StringWrapper s) = T.pack s
@ -115,7 +113,7 @@ toText :: TokenableTo String a => a -> DepGenM (Token Text)
toText a = runFunction ToText =<< toToken a
toText a = runFunction ToText =<< toToken a
data ConvertImage = ConvertImage deriving (Show, Lift)
data ConvertImage = ConvertImage deriving Show
instance IsFunction ConvertImage (Image, ImageConversionSettings) Image where
instance IsFunction ConvertImage (Image, ImageConversionSettings) Image where
evalFunction ConvertImage (ImageWrapper image, ResizeToWidth widthResized) =
evalFunction ConvertImage (ImageWrapper image, ResizeToWidth widthResized) =
let sizeFactor :: Double
let sizeFactor :: Double
@ -127,7 +125,7 @@ convertImage :: (TokenableTo Image a, TokenableTo ImageConversionSettings b) =>
convertImage a b = runFunction ConvertImage =<< toTupleToken a b
convertImage a b = runFunction ConvertImage =<< toTupleToken a b
data RunPandoc = RunPandoc deriving (Show, Lift)
data RunPandoc = RunPandoc deriving Show
instance IsFunction RunPandoc Text Text where
instance IsFunction RunPandoc Text Text where
evalFunction RunPandoc contents =
evalFunction RunPandoc contents =
let settings = P.def { P.readerExtensions = P.extensionsFromList [ P.Ext_raw_html ] }
let settings = P.def { P.readerExtensions = P.extensionsFromList [ P.Ext_raw_html ] }
@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Codec.Picture as CP
import qualified Codec.Picture as CP
import qualified System.Directory as SD
import qualified System.Directory as SD
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data ListDirectory = ListDirectory deriving (Show, Lift)
data ListDirectory = ListDirectory deriving Show
instance IsFunctionIO ListDirectory FilePath [FilePath] where
instance IsFunctionIO ListDirectory FilePath [FilePath] where
evalFunctionIO ListDirectory (StringWrapper s) =
evalFunctionIO ListDirectory (StringWrapper s) =
map StringWrapper <$> SD.listDirectory s
map StringWrapper <$> SD.listDirectory s
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ listDirectory :: TokenableTo FilePath a => a -> DepGenM (Token [FilePath])
listDirectory a = runFunctionIO ListDirectory =<< toToken a
listDirectory a = runFunctionIO ListDirectory =<< toToken a
data IsDirectory = IsDirectory deriving (Show, Lift)
data IsDirectory = IsDirectory deriving Show
instance IsFunctionIO IsDirectory FilePath Bool where
instance IsFunctionIO IsDirectory FilePath Bool where
evalFunctionIO IsDirectory (StringWrapper s) =
evalFunctionIO IsDirectory (StringWrapper s) =
SD.doesDirectoryExist s
SD.doesDirectoryExist s
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ isDirectory :: TokenableTo FilePath a => a -> DepGenM (Token Bool)
isDirectory a = runFunctionIO IsDirectory =<< toToken a
isDirectory a = runFunctionIO IsDirectory =<< toToken a
data ReadTextFile = ReadTextFile deriving (Show, Lift)
data ReadTextFile = ReadTextFile deriving Show
instance IsFunctionIO ReadTextFile FilePath Text where
instance IsFunctionIO ReadTextFile FilePath Text where
evalFunctionIO ReadTextFile (StringWrapper s) =
evalFunctionIO ReadTextFile (StringWrapper s) =
T.readFile s
T.readFile s
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ readTextFile :: TokenableTo FilePath a => a -> DepGenM (Token Text)
readTextFile a = runFunctionIO ReadTextFile =<< toToken a
readTextFile a = runFunctionIO ReadTextFile =<< toToken a
data OpenImage = OpenImage deriving (Show, Lift)
data OpenImage = OpenImage deriving Show
instance IsFunctionIO OpenImage FilePath Image where
instance IsFunctionIO OpenImage FilePath Image where
evalFunctionIO OpenImage (StringWrapper s) = do
evalFunctionIO OpenImage (StringWrapper s) = do
imageOrig <- CP.readImage s
imageOrig <- CP.readImage s
@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ openImage :: TokenableTo FilePath a => a -> DepGenM (Token Image)
openImage a = runFunctionIO OpenImage =<< toToken a
openImage a = runFunctionIO OpenImage =<< toToken a
data SaveImage = SaveImage deriving (Show, Lift)
data SaveImage = SaveImage deriving Show
instance IsFunctionIO SaveImage (Image, FilePath) () where
instance IsFunctionIO SaveImage (Image, FilePath) () where
evalFunctionIO SaveImage (ImageWrapper image, StringWrapper s) =
evalFunctionIO SaveImage (ImageWrapper image, StringWrapper s) =
CP.saveJpgImage 90 s $ CP.ImageRGB8 image
CP.saveJpgImage 90 s $ CP.ImageRGB8 image
@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ saveImage :: (TokenableTo Image a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGenM
saveImage a b = runFunctionIO_ SaveImage =<< toTupleToken a b
saveImage a b = runFunctionIO_ SaveImage =<< toTupleToken a b
data SaveTextFile = SaveTextFile deriving (Show, Lift)
data SaveTextFile = SaveTextFile deriving Show
instance IsFunctionIO SaveTextFile (Text, FilePath) () where
instance IsFunctionIO SaveTextFile (Text, FilePath) () where
evalFunctionIO SaveTextFile (t, StringWrapper s) =
evalFunctionIO SaveTextFile (t, StringWrapper s) =
T.writeFile s t
T.writeFile s t
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ saveTextFile :: (TokenableTo Text a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGen
saveTextFile a b = runFunctionIO_ SaveTextFile =<< toTupleToken a b
saveTextFile a b = runFunctionIO_ SaveTextFile =<< toTupleToken a b
data CopyFile = CopyFile deriving (Show, Lift)
data CopyFile = CopyFile deriving Show
instance IsFunctionIO CopyFile (FilePath, FilePath) () where
instance IsFunctionIO CopyFile (FilePath, FilePath) () where
evalFunctionIO CopyFile (StringWrapper source, StringWrapper target) =
evalFunctionIO CopyFile (StringWrapper source, StringWrapper target) =
SD.copyFile source target
SD.copyFile source target
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ copyFile :: (TokenableTo FilePath a, TokenableTo FilePath b) => a -> b -> DepGen
copyFile a b = runFunctionIO_ CopyFile =<< toTupleToken a b
copyFile a b = runFunctionIO_ CopyFile =<< toTupleToken a b
data MakeDir = MakeDir deriving (Show, Lift)
data MakeDir = MakeDir deriving Show
instance IsFunctionIO MakeDir FilePath () where
instance IsFunctionIO MakeDir FilePath () where
evalFunctionIO MakeDir (StringWrapper s) =
evalFunctionIO MakeDir (StringWrapper s) =
SD.createDirectory s
SD.createDirectory s
@ -1,28 +1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
module Main where
import DependencyGenerator (evalDepGenM)
import SiteGenerator (generateSite)
import qualified Precomputer
import qualified Precomputer
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
formatDependencyTrees :: Text
formatDependencyTrees = $$(Precomputer.formatDependencyTrees $(lift (evalDepGenM generateSite)))
runDeps :: IO ()
runDeps = $$(Precomputer.runDeps $(lift (evalDepGenM generateSite)))
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
args <- getArgs
args <- getArgs
case args of
case args of
["run"] ->
["run"] ->
["tree"] ->
["tree"] ->
T.putStr formatDependencyTrees
_ ->
_ ->
error "unexpected arguments"
error "unexpected arguments"
@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ module Precomputer
, formatDependencyTrees
, formatDependencyTrees
) where
) where
import Types.Dependency (Dependency)
import qualified DependencyRunner as DR
import qualified DependencyRunner as DR
import qualified Types.Dependency as D
import qualified Types.Dependency as D
import SiteGenerator (generateSite)
import DependencyGenerator (evalDepGenM)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
runDeps :: [Dependency] -> Code Q (IO ())
runDeps :: Code Q (IO ())
runDeps deps = [|| DR.runDepRunMIO (DR.runDeps deps) ||]
runDeps = [|| DR.runDepRunMIO (DR.runDeps (evalDepGenM generateSite)) ||]
formatDependencyTrees :: [Dependency] -> Code Q Text
formatDependencyTrees :: Code Q (IO ())
formatDependencyTrees deps = [|| D.formatDependencyTrees deps ||]
formatDependencyTrees = [|| T.putStr (D.formatDependencyTrees (evalDepGenM generateSite)) ||]
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Types.FunctionIO (IsFunctionIO(..))
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data Action where
data Action where
Function :: IsFunction f a b => f -> Action
Function :: IsFunction f a b => f -> Action
@ -31,17 +30,16 @@ data Action where
MapComp :: [Dependency] -> UToken -> UToken -> Action
MapComp :: [Dependency] -> UToken -> UToken -> Action
deriving instance Show Action
deriving instance Show Action
deriving instance Lift Action
data UToken = UToken Int
data UToken = UToken Int
| UTupleToken UToken UToken
| UTupleToken UToken UToken
| UZipToken UToken UToken
| UZipToken UToken UToken
| UListToken [UToken]
| UListToken [UToken]
| UNoToken
| UNoToken
deriving (Show, Lift)
deriving (Show)
data Dependency = Dependency UToken Action UToken
data Dependency = Dependency UToken Action UToken
deriving (Show, Lift)
deriving (Show)
makeDependency :: Token a -> Action -> Token b -> Dependency
makeDependency :: Token a -> Action -> Token b -> Dependency
makeDependency a action b = Dependency (makeUToken a) action (makeUToken b)
makeDependency a action b = Dependency (makeUToken a) action (makeUToken b)
@ -5,7 +5,5 @@ module Types.Function
import Types.Value (Valuable)
import Types.Value (Valuable)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
class (Show f, Valuable a, Valuable b) => IsFunction f a b | f -> a b where
class (Show f, Lift f, Valuable a, Valuable b) => IsFunction f a b | f -> a b where
evalFunction :: f -> a -> b
evalFunction :: f -> a -> b
@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ module Types.FunctionIO
import Types.Value (Valuable)
import Types.Value (Valuable)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
class (Show f, Valuable a, Valuable b) => IsFunctionIO f a b | f -> a b where
class (Show f, Lift f, Valuable a, Valuable b) => IsFunctionIO f a b | f -> a b where
evalFunctionIO :: f -> a -> IO b
evalFunctionIO :: f -> a -> IO b
functionIOTouchesFilesystem :: f -> Bool
functionIOTouchesFilesystem :: f -> Bool
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ module Types.Token
( Token(..)
( Token(..)
) where
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
data Token a where
data Token a where
Token :: Int -> Token a
Token :: Int -> Token a
TupleToken :: Token a -> Token b -> Token (a, b)
TupleToken :: Token a -> Token b -> Token (a, b)
@ -13,4 +11,3 @@ data Token a where
NoToken :: Token ()
NoToken :: Token ()
deriving instance Show (Token a)
deriving instance Show (Token a)
deriving instance Lift (Token a)
@ -11,16 +11,11 @@ import Prelude hiding (String)
import Types.Values
import Types.Values
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
-- Note: We use a wrapper for the String type in order to be able to define the
-- Note: We use a wrapper for the String type in order to be able to define the
-- general Valuable [a] instance further down. Otherwise it would conflict with
-- general Valuable [a] instance further down. Otherwise it would conflict with
-- our Valuable String instance, since the non-wrapped String type is just an
-- our Valuable String instance, since the non-wrapped String type is just an
-- alias for [Char].
-- alias for [Char].
-- Also note that the Image type does not actually implement Lift, so you
-- shouldn't use it with Inject. The better approach would be to split the
-- Value type into a compile-time version and a runtime version.
data Value = String String
data Value = String String
| Text Text
| Text Text
| Bool Bool
| Bool Bool
@ -30,7 +25,7 @@ data Value = String String
| Empty
| Empty
| Tuple (Value, Value)
| Tuple (Value, Value)
| List [Value]
| List [Value]
deriving (Eq, Show, Lift)
deriving (Eq, Show)
class Valuable a where
class Valuable a where
toValue :: a -> Value
toValue :: a -> Value
@ -91,32 +86,32 @@ instance Valuable a => Valuable [a] where
_ -> error "unexpected"
_ -> error "unexpected"
class (Show w, Lift w) => WitnessFor w t | w -> t, t -> w where
class Show w => WitnessFor w t | w -> t, t -> w where
witnessValue :: w
witnessValue :: w
data StringType = StringType deriving (Show, Lift)
data StringType = StringType deriving Show
instance WitnessFor StringType String where witnessValue = StringType
instance WitnessFor StringType String where witnessValue = StringType
data TextType = TextType deriving (Show, Lift)
data TextType = TextType deriving Show
instance WitnessFor TextType Text where witnessValue = TextType
instance WitnessFor TextType Text where witnessValue = TextType
data BoolType = BoolType deriving (Show, Lift)
data BoolType = BoolType deriving Show
instance WitnessFor BoolType Bool where witnessValue = BoolType
instance WitnessFor BoolType Bool where witnessValue = BoolType
data ImageType = ImageType deriving (Show, Lift)
data ImageType = ImageType deriving Show
instance WitnessFor ImageType Image where witnessValue = ImageType
instance WitnessFor ImageType Image where witnessValue = ImageType
data ImageConversionSettingsType = ImageConversionSettingsType deriving (Show, Lift)
data ImageConversionSettingsType = ImageConversionSettingsType deriving Show
instance WitnessFor ImageConversionSettingsType ImageConversionSettings where witnessValue = ImageConversionSettingsType
instance WitnessFor ImageConversionSettingsType ImageConversionSettings where witnessValue = ImageConversionSettingsType
data TemplateType = TemplateType deriving (Show, Lift)
data TemplateType = TemplateType deriving Show
instance WitnessFor TemplateType Template where witnessValue = TemplateType
instance WitnessFor TemplateType Template where witnessValue = TemplateType
data EmptyType = EmptyType deriving (Show, Lift)
data EmptyType = EmptyType deriving Show
instance WitnessFor EmptyType () where witnessValue = EmptyType
instance WitnessFor EmptyType () where witnessValue = EmptyType
data TupleType ta tb = TupleType ta tb deriving (Show, Lift)
data TupleType ta tb = TupleType ta tb deriving Show
instance (WitnessFor ta a, WitnessFor tb b) => WitnessFor (TupleType ta tb) (a, b) where witnessValue = TupleType witnessValue witnessValue
instance (WitnessFor ta a, WitnessFor tb b) => WitnessFor (TupleType ta tb) (a, b) where witnessValue = TupleType witnessValue witnessValue
data ListType t = ListType t deriving (Show, Lift)
data ListType t = ListType t deriving Show
instance WitnessFor t a => WitnessFor (ListType t) [a] where witnessValue = ListType witnessValue
instance WitnessFor t a => WitnessFor (ListType t) [a] where witnessValue = ListType witnessValue
@ -12,10 +12,9 @@ import qualified Prelude
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Codec.Picture as CP
import qualified Codec.Picture as CP
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift(..))
newtype String = StringWrapper { unStringWrapper :: Prelude.String }
newtype String = StringWrapper { unStringWrapper :: Prelude.String }
deriving (Eq, Lift)
deriving (Eq)
instance Show String where
instance Show String where
show (StringWrapper s) = show s
show (StringWrapper s) = show s
@ -31,11 +30,8 @@ newtype Image = ImageWrapper (CP.Image CP.PixelRGB8)
instance Show Image where
instance Show Image where
show = const "Image"
show = const "Image"
instance Lift Image where
liftTyped _ = error "cannot lift images"
data ImageConversionSettings = ResizeToWidth Int
data ImageConversionSettings = ResizeToWidth Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Lift)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Template = TemplateParts Text Text
data Template = TemplateParts Text Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Lift)
deriving (Eq, Show)
Reference in New Issue