Generate atom.xml

This commit is contained in:
Niels G. W. Serup 2024-10-20 15:35:24 +02:00
parent 25daa286df
commit 05de473020
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 38EEEBCE67324F19
7 changed files with 149 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ library
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ library

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Functions
, module Functions.Template
, module Functions.Text
, module Functions.Date
, module Functions.Atom
) where
import Functions.Image
@ -13,3 +14,4 @@ import Functions.Paths
import Functions.Template
import Functions.Text
import Functions.Date
import Functions.Atom

byg/src/Functions/Atom.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
module Functions.Atom
( generateAtom
) where
import Prelude
import Types (Token, Date(..), formatDateShort)
import DependencyGenerator (DepGenM, TokenableTo(..), onTupleToken)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
fromString :: String -> Text
fromString = T.pack
class IsStructure a where
toStructure :: a -> Structure
instance IsStructure Structure where
toStructure = id
instance IsStructure [Structure] where
toStructure [s] = s
toStructure (s1 : s2 : ss) = Merge (Merge s1 s2) (toStructure ss)
toStructure [] = Empty
instance IsStructure [Text] where
toStructure = Line
instance IsStructure Text where
toStructure t = toStructure [t]
data Structure = Line [Text]
| Indent Structure
| Merge Structure Structure
| Empty
structureToText :: Structure -> Text
structureToText = T.concat . toText ""
where toText :: Text -> Structure -> [Text]
toText indent = \case
Line ts ->
indent : ts ++ ["\n"]
Indent s ->
toText (T.append indent " ") s
Merge a b ->
toText indent a ++ toText indent b
Empty ->
(>:) :: (IsStructure a, IsStructure b) => a -> b -> Structure
a >: b = Merge (toStructure a) (toStructure b)
(>>:) :: (IsStructure a, IsStructure b) => a -> b -> Structure
a >>: b = Merge (toStructure a) (Indent (toStructure b))
type AtomEntry = ((Text, Date), String)
urlRoot :: Text
urlRoot = ""
generateAtomStructure :: Date -> [AtomEntry] -> Structure
generateAtomStructure updated entries =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" >:
"<feed xmlns=\"\">"
>>: ("<title>Niels' mad</title>" >:
["<link href=\"", urlRoot, "/atom.xml\" rel=\"self\" />"] >:
["<link href=\"", urlRoot, "\" />"] >:
["<id>", urlRoot, "/atom.xml</id>"] >:
>>: ("<name>Niels G. W. Serup</name>" >:
"<email></email>") >:
"</author>" >:
["<updated>", formatDateShort updated, "T00:00:00Z</updated>"])
>>: map makeEntry entries >:
makeEntry :: AtomEntry -> Structure
makeEntry ((title, updated), slug) =
>>: (["<title>", title, "</title>"]
>: ("<link href=\"" : slugUrl ++ ["\" />"])
>: ("<id>" : slugUrl ++ ["</id>"])
>: ("<updated>" : updatedDate ++ ["</updated>"])
>: ("<published>" : updatedDate ++ ["</published>"]))
>: "</entry>"
where slugUrl = [urlRoot, "/", T.pack slug, ".html"]
updatedDate = [formatDateShort updated, "T00:00:00Z"]
generateAtom :: (TokenableTo Date a, TokenableTo [AtomEntry] b) => a -> b -> DepGenM (Token Text)
generateAtom = onTupleToken (\updated entries ->
structureToText $ generateAtomStructure updated entries)

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@ -1,21 +1,12 @@
module Functions.Date
( Date
, extractDate
, formatDate
, formatDateShort
( extractDate
) where
import Types (Token)
import Types (Token, Date(..))
import DependencyGenerator (DepGenM, TokenableTo(..), onToken)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Text (Text)
data Date = Date Int Int Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
split :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> NonEmpty [a]
split sep = \case
@ -33,30 +24,3 @@ extractDate = onToken $ \dirName -> case split '-' dirName of
Date (read year) (read month) (read day)
_ ->
error "unexpected"
formatDate :: Date -> Text
formatDate (Date year month day) =
T.concat [ "den "
, T.pack (show day)
, ". "
, months !! (month - 1)
, " "
, T.pack (show year)
where months = [ "januar"
, "februar"
, "marts"
, "april"
, "maj"
, "juni"
, "juli"
, "august"
, "september"
, "oktober"
, "november"
, "december"
formatDateShort :: Date -> Text
formatDateShort (Date year month day) =
T.concat [ T.pack (show year), "-", T.pack (printf "%02d" month), "-", T.pack (printf "%02d" day) ]

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module SiteGenerator (generateSite) where
import Types (Token(..))
import Types (Token(..), Date(..), formatDate, formatDateShort)
import DependencyGenerator
import Functions
@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ elemIndex' x xs = case elemIndex x xs of
Just i -> i
Nothing -> error ("unexpected unknown directory index for " ++ show x ++ " in " ++ show xs)
head' :: [a] -> a
head' [] = error "error"
head' (x : _) = x
handleRecipeDir :: Token FilePath -> Token FilePath
-> Token Template -> Token FilePath
-> Token [FilePath] -> Token FilePath
@ -121,6 +125,10 @@ generateSite = do
& applyTemplate htmlTemplate
saveTextFile allRecipesHtml (joinPaths outputRecipesDir indexName)
newest <- onToken (snd . fst . head') infos
atomText <- generateAtom newest infos
saveTextFile atomText (joinPaths outputDir (inject "atom.xml"))
-- Handle about page
outputAboutDir <- joinPaths outputDir (inject "om")
makeDir outputAboutDir

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@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ module Types
( module Types.Token
, module Types.Value
, module Types.Functions
, module Types.Date
, Dependency
) where
import Types.Token
import Types.Value
import Types.Functions
import Types.Date
import Types.Dependency (Dependency)

byg/src/Types/Date.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module Types.Date
( Date(..)
, formatDate
, formatDateShort
) where
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
data Date = Date Int Int Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
formatDate :: Date -> Text
formatDate (Date year month day) =
T.concat [ "den "
, T.pack (show day)
, ". "
, months !! (month - 1)
, " "
, T.pack (show year)
where months = [ "januar"
, "februar"
, "marts"
, "april"
, "maj"
, "juni"
, "juli"
, "august"
, "september"
, "oktober"
, "november"
, "december"
formatDateShort :: Date -> Text
formatDateShort (Date year month day) =
T.concat [ T.pack (show year), "-", T.pack (printf "%02d" month), "-", T.pack (printf "%02d" day) ]