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{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
module Byg.DependencyRunner
2024-09-27 21:13:16 +02:00
( DepRunM
, runDeps
, runDepRunMIO
, extractSndToken
, extractSndTokenAsList
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) where
import Byg.Types (evalFunctionIO, functionIOReads, functionIOWrites)
import Byg.Types.Value
import Byg.Types.Token
import Byg.Types.Dependency
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2024-10-14 22:48:58 +02:00
import Type.Reflection (Typeable)
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import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad (void, forM, filterM)
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import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, MonadIO, StateT, evalStateT, get, modify, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter, WriterT, runWriterT, tell)
import System.Directory (getModificationTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..))
import qualified System.Directory as SD
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data LastUpdated = Never
| NeverDebug String
| NeverInput
| At UTCTime
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
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data ValueExistence = Evaluated Value LastUpdated
| NotEvaluated (LastUpdated -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated)))
newtype DepRunM a = DepRunM { unDepRunM :: WriterT [FilePath] (StateT (Map Int ValueExistence) IO) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO,
MonadState (Map Int ValueExistence),
MonadWriter [FilePath])
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runDeps :: [Dependency] -> DepRunM ()
runDeps = mapM_ runDep
runDepRunMIO :: DepRunM a -> IO (a, [FilePath])
runDepRunMIO m = evalStateT (runWriterT (unDepRunM m)) M.empty
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evaluate :: LastUpdated -> ValueExistence -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
evaluate luFuture = \case
Evaluated v lu -> pure (Just (v, lu))
NotEvaluated m -> m luFuture
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runDep :: Dependency -> DepRunM ()
runDep (Dependency _ a action _ b) =
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if actionWritesAny action
then void (m Never)
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else putTokenValue b $ NotEvaluated m
where m :: LastUpdated -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
m luFuture = do
mr <- runAction action a luFuture
case mr of
Just (result, luResult) -> do
putTokenValue b $ Evaluated result luResult
pure $ Just (result, luResult)
Nothing ->
pure Nothing
extractSndToken :: Token (a, b) -> Token b
extractSndToken = \case
TupleToken _ b ->
_ ->
error "unsupported"
extractSndTokenAsList :: (Show b, Typeable b) => Token (a, b) -> Token [b]
extractSndTokenAsList = ListToken . (: []) . extractSndToken
getTokenValueByIndex :: LastUpdated -> Int -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
getTokenValueByIndex luFuture i = do
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m <- get
case m M.!? i of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just x -> evaluate luFuture x
-- minimumOrNever :: [LastUpdated] -> LastUpdated
-- minimumOrNever = \case
-- [] -> Never
-- times -> minimum times
maximumOrNever :: [LastUpdated] -> LastUpdated
maximumOrNever = \case
[] -> Never
times -> maximum times
maximumOrNever' :: [UTCTime] -> LastUpdated
maximumOrNever' = maximumOrNever . map At
getTokenValueRaw :: LastUpdated -> Token a -> DepRunM (Maybe (a, LastUpdated))
getTokenValueRaw luFuture token = case token of
Token i -> do
m <- getTokenValueByIndex luFuture i
pure $ do (a, lu) <- m
pure (fromValue a, lu)
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TupleToken a b -> do
m0 <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture a
m1 <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture b
case (m0, m1) of
(Just (a', luA), Just (b', luB)) ->
pure $ Just ((a', b'), max luA luB)
(Just (a', luA), Nothing) -> do -- | luA /= NeverInput -> do
r <- getTokenValueRaw (NeverDebug (show (a', luA))) b
pure $ case r of
Nothing -> error ("unexpected " ++ show b ++ " (" ++ show (a', luA) ++ ")")
Just (b', luB) -> Just ((a', b'), max luA luB)
(Nothing, Just (b', luB)) -> do -- | luB /= NeverInput -> do
r <- getTokenValueRaw (NeverDebug (show (b', luB))) a
pure $ case r of
Nothing -> error "unexpected"
Just (a', luA) -> Just ((a', b'), max luA luB)
_ ->
pure $ Nothing
ZipToken a b -> do
m0 <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture a
m1 <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture b
case (m0, m1) of
(Just (a', luA), Just (b', luB)) ->
pure $ Just (zip a' b', max luA luB)
(Just (a', luA), Nothing) -> do -- | luA /= NeverInput -> do
r <- getTokenValueRaw Never b
pure $ case r of
Nothing -> error "unexpected"
Just (b', luB) -> Just (zip a' b', max luA luB)
(Nothing, Just (b', luB)) -> do -- | luB /= NeverInput -> do
r <- getTokenValueRaw Never a
pure $ case r of
Nothing -> error "unexpected"
Just (a', luA) -> Just (zip a' b', max luA luB)
_ ->
pure $ Nothing
ListToken ts -> do
ms <- mapM (getTokenValueRaw luFuture) ts
if False -- null $ filter ((/= NeverInput) . snd) (catMaybes ms)
then pure Nothing
else do ms' <- case sequence ms of
Just x -> pure x
Nothing -> do r <- mapM (getTokenValueRaw Never) ts
case sequence r of
Nothing -> error "unexpected"
Just x -> pure x
let (as, lus) = unzip ms'
pure $ Just (as, maximumOrNever lus)
NoToken ->
pure $ Just ((), Never)
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getTokenValue :: Token a -> LastUpdated -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
getTokenValue token luFuture = case token of
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Token i ->
getTokenValueByIndex luFuture i
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TupleToken _ _ ->
fromRaw token
ZipToken _ _ ->
fromRaw token
ListToken _ ->
fromRaw token
NoToken ->
fromRaw token
where fromRaw :: (Typeable a, Show a) => Token a -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
fromRaw t = do
m <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture t
pure $ do (x, lu) <- m
pure (toValue x, lu)
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putTokenValue :: Token a -> ValueExistence -> DepRunM ()
putTokenValue t v = case t of
Token i ->
modify $ M.insert i v
NoToken ->
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pure ()
_ ->
error "unexpected"
maximumModTime :: [FilePath] -> DepRunM LastUpdated
maximumModTime paths = do
paths' <- filterM (liftIO . SD.doesPathExist) paths
times <- mapM (liftIO . getModificationTime) paths'
pure $ maximumOrNever' times
runAction :: forall a b. Action a b -> Token a -> LastUpdated
-> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
runAction action tokenInput luFuture = case action of
Function (F f) ->
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calc f
FunctionIO f -> do
m <- getTokenValueRaw luFuture $ functionIOWrites f tokenInput
case m of
Nothing ->
pure Nothing -- error "unexpected" -- wrong?
Just (writes, _writesLu) -> do
tell writes
lastWritten <- max luFuture <$> maximumModTime writes
result <- getTokenValue tokenInput lastWritten
case result of
Just (inputValue, luInput) -> do
let input = inputFromValue inputValue
lastUpdated <- max luInput <$> (maximumModTime $ functionIOReads f input)
if lastUpdated > lastWritten
then do liftIO $ do
putStrLn ("input: " ++ show input)
putStrLn ("input last updated: " ++ show luInput)
putStrLn ("IO function: " ++ show f)
putStrLn ("Source timestamp: " ++ show lastUpdated)
putStrLn ("Target timestamp: " ++ show lastWritten)
v <- toValue <$> (liftIO $ evalFunctionIO f input)
-- tell writes
let luResult = max luInput lastUpdated
liftIO $ do
putStrLn ("output: " ++ show v)
putStrLn ("output last updated: " ++ show luResult)
putStrLn "----------"
pure $ Just (v, luResult)
else do -- liftIO $ putStrLn ("Source timestamp "
-- ++ show lastUpdated
-- ++ " not newer than target timestamp "
-- ++ show lastWritten
-- ++ "; ignoring IO computation.")
pure Nothing -- (toValue (), lastWritten) -- assumes writing FunctionIO always return ()
Nothing ->
pure Nothing
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Inject x ->
pure $ Just (toValue x, NeverInput)
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FilterComp ->
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calc (\(vs, mask) -> map fst $ filter snd $ zip vs mask)
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UntupleFst ->
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calc fst
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UntupleSnd ->
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calc snd
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UnzipFst ->
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calc (map fst)
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UnzipSnd ->
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calc (map snd)
MapComp subDeps innerInput innerOutput -> do
m <- getTokenValue tokenInput luFuture
case m of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (inputValue, luInput) -> do
let input = inputFromValue inputValue
lastUpdated <- maximumModTime $ actionReads action input
result <- forM input $ \x -> do
putTokenValue innerInput $ Evaluated (toValue x) (max luInput lastUpdated)
runDeps subDeps
mr <- getTokenValue innerOutput luFuture
pure $ do (vOut, luOut) <- mr
pure (fromValue vOut, luOut)
pure $ do result' <- sequence result
let (values, lus) = unzip result'
pure $ (toValueRep (actionTargetType action) values, maximumOrNever lus)
where inputFromValue :: Typeable a => Value -> a
inputFromValue = fromValueRep (actionSourceType action)
calc :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Show b) => (a -> b) -> DepRunM (Maybe (Value, LastUpdated))
calc f = do
m <- getTokenValue tokenInput luFuture
pure $ do (inputValue, luInput) <- m
let input = inputFromValue inputValue
pure (toValue $ f input, luInput)